Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
OT Ru,D | Optimisticheskaya Tragediya. | 1 |
OTC/ CRD(01)/ G76 | Growth pole strategy and regional development planning in Asia : proceedings of the Seminar on Industrialization Strategies and the Growth Pole Approach to Regional Planning and Development, the Asian Experience, Nagoya, Japan, 4-13 November, 1975. | 1 |
OTC/CRD(01)/ Ur11 | Urban development policies and programmes : focus on land management / | 1 |
OTC/CRD(02)/ WP/79/2 | The active community : towards a political-territorial framework for rural development in Asia : policy research programme / | 1 |
OTC/ CRD/ UIPD/1 | Role of cities in attaining a desirable population distribution in the context of rapid urbanization : findings from three Asian countries : synthesis. | 1 |
OTC/ CRD/ UIPD/ 2 | The growth pole approach to regional development : a case study of Mizushima industrial complex, Japan. | 1 |
OTC/ CRD/ UIPD/3 | Urban development strategies in the context of regional development : report of the seminar held at Nagoya, Japan, from 28 October to 8 November 1974 / | 1 |
OTC/ CRD/ UIPD/6 | Role of governments in the regional development process : a review of experience in Japan and the Philippines. | 1 |
OTC/CRD/UIPD/CBS(02)/1 | Japan : an annotated bibliography on regional development. | 1 |
OTC/CRD/UIPD/CBS(02)/ 2 | India : an annotated bibliography on rural regional development. | 1 |
OTC/CRD/UIPD/CBS(02)/ 3 | Philippines : an annotated bibliography on regional development / | 1 |
Other authors include" Sumner Alpert, William Beede, and Karl Kovach | Analysis of the performance of a jet engine from characteristics of the components. : 2 - Interaction of the components as determined from engine operation / | 1 |
OTP 1.23/7:93-007 | Estimation of flood volumes and simulation of flood hydrographs for ungaged small rural streams in Ohio / | 1 |
Otr Ru,D | Otriv. | 1 |
OTS 61-31207 | Methods for study of the external gravitational field and figure of the earth / | 1 |
OTS Ru,D | One-Two, Soldiers were Going.. | 1 |
Otto Box 7 |
Private Suhren : The story of a German rifleman; Von den Bergen fliesst ein Wasser Das ist lauter kuhler Wein. / War in the Garden of Eden : / With my regiment : From the Aisne to La Bassee / From all the fronts : / Boone stop: / Le chemin des dames: / Covered with mud and glory: A machine gun company in action ("Ma Mitrailleuse"); including "A tribute to teh soldiers of France" by Georges Clemenceau/ Comrades in courage: ("Meditation dans La Tranchee") / Above the battle: / Maple leaves in Flanders / Dover and the war: 1914-1918 / The battle of Verdun (1914-1918): "Verdun and the battles for its possession. A panoramic history and gude [cover] / Baron Fritz: / War Bugs : / M-Day : The first day of war / My lady laughter : A romance of Boston town in teh days of the Great Siege / The red horizon : / |
17 |
Otto Box 8 |
Virginia of the Rhodesians: / The wingless victory: / Disenchanted : (Desenchantees) / Nedra : / One of Cleopatra's nights and other fantastic romances: translated by Lafcadio Hearn / Grammar-land: or, grammar in fun for the children of schoolroom-shire / In search of mademoiselle : / Wisdom and destiny : translated by Alfred Sutro / The wheat princess : / The yellow fairy book : with numerous illustrations by H.J. Ford / The ironmaster or love and pride: / The story of music and musicians for young readers : Illustrated / The lady of decoration: / A stumbling block: / The father of his country : How the boy Washington grew in stature and spirit and became a great soldier and president / Her ransom : / Two Girls : Illustrated / The honorable Percival : / |
18 |
Otto Box 9 |
Cab No 44 : / D'ri and I: A tale of daring deeds in the Second War with the British. Being the memoirs of Colonel Ramon Bell, U.S.A. / The suburban sage: Stray notes and comments on his simple life/ The world's warrant : / Rose of the world : / The English orphans : or a home in the New World / Ike Glidden in Maine : a story of rural life in a Yankee district; illustrated / The mystery of Adventure Island: / Tante : / By force of circumstances : / Gray mist: a novel / The Doctor : a tale of the Rockies / A transplanted nursery : Being the simple chronicle of a summer sojourn in Brittany, told in letters to home; illustrated by photographs taken by the author / The magic cameo : a love story / An opera and Lady Grasmere : / The cobbler of Nimes : / Inez : A tale of the Alamo / The bow of orange ribbon : A romance of New York / The land of the living : A novel / The wedding day in literature in art : a collection of the best descriptions of weddings from the works of the world's leading novelists and poets, richly illustrated with reproductions of famous paintings of incidents of the nuptial day / |
21 |
Otto Box 10 |
Fighting in Flanders: / The cross of fire : A romance of love and war to-day, with illustrations / The man in the white slicker : / A nurse at the war : Nursing adventures in Belgium and France / Among the trumpets : Stories of war horses and others / A corporal once : / The fighting Livingstons : / What outfit buddy? : Illustrated / The top kick : / This man's war : The day-by-day record of the American Private on the Western Front / Sergeant Eadie / The unknown soldier : / The incomplete mariner : / The story of the Salonica Army : with an introduction by Viscount Northcliffe / |
14 |