Call Number (LC) Title Results
P107 .S536 2017 Language, Feeling, and the Brain : the Evocative Vector / 1
P107 .S537 2009 Language : the big picture / 1
P107 .S63 2010 Philosophy of language / 1
P107 .S63 2010eb Philosophy of language 1
P107 .S65 2005 Language, frogs and savants : more linguistic problems, puzzles and polemics / 1
P107 .S65 2005eb Language, frogs and savants more linguistic problems, puzzles and polemics / 1
P107 .S67 2009 Philosophical essays / 1
P107 .S67 2009eb Philosophical essays. what it means and how we use it / 2
P107 .S67eb vol. 2 Philosophical essays. 2
P107 .S684 2011eb Specialized languages in the global village : a multi-perspective approach / 1
P107 .S737 2019 The fall of language : Benjamin and Wittgenstein on meaning / 2
P107 .S7375 2021eb Quotations as pictures / 1
P107 .S7375 2022eb Quotations As Pictures / 1
P107 .S75 2014eb Language myths, mysteries, and magic / 1
P107 .S78 2009eb Studies in language and cognition / 1
P107 .S88 2023 Speaking philosophically Communication at the limits of discursive reason 1
P107 .S93 2001 Words of the world : the global language system / 1
P107 .S93 2019 Philosophy of language / 2
P107 .S96 2001eb Language and learning : philosophy of language in the Hellenistic Age / 1
P107 .T36 2007 Philosophy of language A-Z / 1