Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
P117.7 .P65 2003 | Pointing : where language, culture, and cognition meet / | 1 |
P117.7.P65 2003 P117.7 | Pointing : Where Language, Culture, and Cognition Meet. | 1 |
P117.7 .P65 2003eb | Pointing : where language, culture, and cognition meet / | 2 |
P117.7 .T35 2010 | Michelangelo's finger : an exploration of everyday transcendence / | 1 |
P118 |
Embodiment in cross-linguistic studies the 'heart' / The crosslinguistic study of language acquisition. Konstruktion von Sprache und Sprachwissen : Eine empirische Studie zur Schriftsprachaneignung sprachstarker und sprachschwacher Kinder / Roots of language / The development of meaning : a study of children's use of language / Ecological perspectives in early language education : parent, teacher, peer, and child agency in interaction / Semantics and morphology of early adjectives in first language acquisition / The prefunctional stage of first language acquisition : a crosslinguistic study / Phonological acquisition and phonological theory / Osvojování jazyka dítětem / A aquisição de língua materna e não materna : Questões gerais e dados do Português. Diskurserwerb in Familie, Peergroup und Unterricht : Passungen und Teilhabechancen / Entrelazando Lenguas y Culturas Perspectivas actuales en torno a la adquisición y didáctica de lenguas, estudios lingüísticos y traducción, y estudios culturales y literatura. The Oxford handbook of developmental linguistics / Language learning tasks / New trends in language acquisition within the generative perspective School Start Year 1 : Targeted Intervention for Language and Sound Awareness. Pronominal reference : child language and the theory of grammar / Choosing a grammar : learning paths and ambiguous evidence in the acquisition of syntax / Sentence first, arguments afterward : essays in language and learning / The acquisition of romance, with special reference to French / Language Development and Social Interaction in Blind Children. Language Learning : a Special Case for Developmental Psychology? Bilingual Acquisition of Intonation. On the genesis of thought and language : on the emergence of concepts and propositions, the nature and structure of human categories, on the impact of culture on thought and language / The Origins of Grammar : Language in the Light of Evolution II. Development of modality in first language acquisition : a cross-linguistic perspective / Estudios sobre el lenguaje y la gramática entre la praxis, la teoría y la enseñanza / Sprachdenken im Mittelalter : ein Vergleich mit der Moderne / Pragmatic development / The Oxford handbook of language production / New perspectives on historical Latin syntax. Complex Sentences, Grammaticalization, Typology. Ethnic minority children acquiring literacy / Foundations of language development : a multidisciplinary approach. VERBAL GAMES OF PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN. Knowing children : experiments in conversation and cognition / The acquisition of narratives : learning to use language / Advances in Language Acquisition. Learning to Read and Write in the Multilingual Family. Narrative development of school children : studies from multilingual families in Taiwan / Ten lectures on language, cognition, and language acquisition / Handbook of Orthography and Literacy / Rich languages from poor inputs The Crosslinguistic study of language acquisition. Language acquisition : the basics / Awareness in action : the role of consciousness in language acquisition / Language learning, discourse and communication : studies in honour of Jan Majer / My Language Is a Jealous Lover. Language acquisition and historical change / Language Learning : a Special Case for Developmental Psychology? / Growing into language : developmental trajectories and neural underpinnings / Attention and vision in language processing / Empiricism and language learnability / The lexicon in acquisition / Talking like children : language and the production of age in the Marshall Islands / Phonological templates in development / The Palgrave handbook of motivation for language learning / Routledge handbook of technological advances in researching language learning / |
62 |
P118-1 | Scheme of city distribution for use in post office at Atlanta, Ga.; corrected to Oct. 1, 1909 | 1 |
P118-2 | Scheme of city distribution for use in post office at Baltimore, Md.; corrected to Dec. 1, 1908 | 1 |
P118-3 | Scheme for city distribution, Birmingham, Ala., post office, July 1, 1908 | 1 |
P118-4 | Scheme of separation for Boston postal district; corrected to Mar. 1909 | 1 |
P118-5.1 | Station scheme, Buffalo, N.Y., post office; Jan. 1907 | 1 |
P118-5.2 | Scheme of station separation for use in post office at Buffalo, N.Y. | 1 |
P118-6.1 | Scheme of station separation and route distribution scheme for sections 1, 2 and 3, main office, and station U, of post office at Chicago, Ill.; corrected to July 1, 1908 | 1 |
P118-6.2 | Scheme of station separation and route distribution scheme for sections 1, 2 and 3, main office, and station U, of post office at Chicago, Ill.; corrected to Sept. 1, 1909 | 1 |
P118-7.1 | Scheme of principal firms and buildings, Cincinnati, Ohio | 1 |
P118-7.2 | Scheme of principal streets, Cincinnati, Ohio | 1 |
P118-8.1 | Official scheme of distribution of mail for city of Cleveland, Ohio; July 1906 | 1 |
P118-8.2 | Scheme of city distribution for use in post office at Cleveland, Ohio; corrected to May 1, 1909 | 1 |
P118-9.1 | Scheme of city distribution for use in post office at Columbus, Ohio; corrected to Aug. 1, 1907 | 1 |
P118-9.2 | Scheme of city distribution for use in post office at Columbus, Ohio; corrected to May 1, 1909 | 1 |
P118-10.1 | Scheme of city distribution for use in post office at Denver, Colo.; corrected to Oct. 1908 | 1 |