Call Number (LC) Title Results
P119.3 .R473 2018eb Researching agency in language policy and planning / 1
P119.3 .R54 2000 Rights to language : equity, power, and education : celebrating the 60th birthday of Tove Skutnabb-Kangas / 1
P119.3 .R54 2000eb Rights to language equity, power, and education : celebrating the 60th birthday of Tove Skutnabb-Kangas / 1
P119.3 .R68 2018eb The Routledge handbook of language and politics / 1
P119.3 .R685 2024 The Routledge handbook of language policy and planning / 1
P119.3 .S25 2014eb The Chomsky update : linguistics and politics / 1
P119.3 .S35 1996 Linguistic culture and language policy / 1
P119.3 .S35 1996eb Linguistic culture and language policy /
Linguistic Culture and Language Policy.
Linguistic culture and language policy
P119.3 .S5 2006eb Language policy : hidden agendas and new approaches / 2
P119.3.S5 2006eb P119.3.S5 2006 Language Policy : Hidden Agendas and New Approaches. 1
P119.3 .S63 1989 Social anthropology and the politics of language / 1
P119.3 .S66 2021 Rethinking language policy / 1
P119.3 .S666 2004 Language policy /
Language Policy /
P119.3 .S673 2016eb Sprache und Kolonialismus : Eine interdisziplinäre Einführung zu Sprache und Kommunikation in kolonialen Kontexten. 1
P119.3 .S73 2015 State traditions and language regimes / 1
P119.3 .S78 2006 The study of language and the politics of community in global context / 1
P119.3 .T36 1981 Kotoba to kokka / 1
P119.3 .T433 2019 Teacher Agency. 1
P119.3 .T48 2016 Enough said : what's gone wrong with the language of politics? / 1
P119.3 .T89 2018 Defining 'Eastern Europe' : a semantic inquiry into political terminology / 2