Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
P211.3.E85 L96 2013 | The writing culture of ordinary people in Europe, c. 1860-1920 / | 1 |
P211.3.E85 L96 2013eb | The writing culture of ordinary people in Europe, c. 1860-1920 / | 1 |
P211.3.E85 M35 1989 | The Carolingians and the written word / | 1 |
P211.3.E85 M35 1989 E-book | The Carolingians and the written word / | 2 |
P211.3.E85 O78 2012eb | Orthographies in Early Modern Europe / | 3 |
P211.3.E85 S37 1996 | Schriftkultur und Reichsverwaltung unter den Karolingern : Referate des Kolloquiums der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften am 17.-18. Februar 1994 in Bonn / | 1 |
P211.3.E85 T73 2006 | Transforming the medieval world : uses of pragmatic literacy in the Middle Ages / | 1 |
P211.3.F8 B4713 2019 | Documenting the everyday in medieval Europe : the social dimensions of a writing revolution 1250-1350 / | 1 |
P211.3.I8 E93 2003 | Literacy in Lombard Italy, c. 568-774 / | 1 |
P211.3.I8 M37 1992 | Il bisogno di scrivere : usi della scrittura nell'Italia moderna / | 1 |
P211.3.I8 P4813 1993 | Public lettering : script, power, and culture / | 2 |
P211.3.K54 F73 2002 | Writing, society and culture in early Rus, c. 950-1300 / | 1 |
P211.3.K54 F73 2002eb | Writing, society and culture in early Rus, c. 950-1300 / | 3 |
P211.3.L29 G373 2020 | Signs of the Americas : a poetics of pictography, hieroglyphs, and khipu / | 2 |
P211.3.M628 U74 2017 | Understanding material text cultures : a multidisciplinary view / | 2 |
P211.3.P4 S25 2011 |
The lettered mountain : a Peruvian village's way with writing / The lettered mountain a Peruvian village's way with writing / |
2 |
P211.3.S7 B6813 2004 | Communication, knowledge, and memory in early modern Spain / | 1 |
P211.3.S8 L37 2009 | Pragmatic literacy and the medieval use of the vernacular : the Swedish example / | 1 |
P211.3.T88 B47 1995 | Literacy, emotion, and authority : reading and writing on a Polynesian atoll / | 2 |
P211.3.T88 B47 1995eb | Literacy, emotion, and authority : reading and writing on a Polynesian atoll / | 1 |