Call Number (LC) Title Results
P221 .O53 Onseigaku daijiten = A dictionary of phonetics / 1
P221 .O55 World papers in phonetics : Festschrift for Dr. Onishi'sK⁺łi̲j̲u̲ 1
P221 .O85 1992 Kratkiĭ kurs russkoĭ fonetiki : iz lek︠t︡sii po sovremennomu russkomu ︠i︡azyku : uchebnoe posobie dl︠i︡a studentov filologicheskogo fakulʹteta / 1
P221 .P22 An introduction to instrumental phonetics / 1
P221 .P26 1994 Geschichtszahlen der Phonetik ; Quellenatlas der Phonetik / Giulio Panconcelli-Calzia ; with an English introduction by Konrad Koerner. 1
P221 .P35 Language-student's manual / 1
P221 .P47 1985 Phonetic linguistics : essays in honor of Peter Ladefoged / 1
P221 .P472 2002 Phonetics and its applications : Festschrift for Jens-Peter Köster on the occasion of his 60th Birthday / 1
P221 .P4745 2009 Phonetics and phonology : interactions and interrelations / 1
P221 .P4745 2009eb Phonetics and phonology : interactions and interrelations / 1
P221 .P475 1986 Phonetic symbol guide / 1
P221 .P475 1996 Phonetic symbol guide / 1
P221 .P477 2002 Phonetics, phonology, and cognition / 1
P221 .P48 1965 Dictation exercises in phonetics. 1
P221 .P5 1993 Talk, thought, and thing : the emic road toward conscious knowledge / 1
P221 .R37 2009 Phonetics : transcription, production, acoustics, and perception / 1
P221 .R6 Éléments de phonétique générale. 1
P221 .R67 Studies in phonetics. 1
P221 .R7 Les changements phonétiques, aperçus général. 1
P221 .R97n Neuere Methoden phonetischer Forschung. 1