Call Number (LC) Title Results
P221 .T7 1958 Anleitung zu phonologischen beschreibungen. 1
P221 .U53 1993 Phonetik und angrenzende Gebiete / 1
P221 .U584 1996 Untersuchungen zu Stimme und Sprache = Papers on speech and voice / 1
P221 .V54 1989 Phonetische Transkription : Theorie und Praxis der Symbolphonetik / 1
P221 .W65 1972 Prosody and phonology. 1
P221.5 Sound structure and sound change : a modeling approach /
Speech acoustic analysis /
P221.5 . C54 1985a Acoustic-phonetic constraints in continuous speech recognition : a case study using the digit vocabulary / 1
P221.5 .K46 1992 The acoustic analysis of speech / 1
P221.5 .K46 2002 Acoustic analysis of speech / 1
P221.5 .K73 2022 Handbuch der deutschen Phonetik für Sängerinnen und Sänger : Mit einem umfangreichen Übungsteil und Hörproben / 1
P221.5 .L33 1996 Elements of acoustic phonetics / 1
P221.5 .S74 1998 Acoustic phonetics / 1
P221.5 .S74 1998eb Acoustic phonetics /
Acoustic phonetics
P221.7 .C53 2016 Challenging sonority : cross-linguistic evidence / 1
P222 Intonation units revisited : cesuras in talk-in-interaction /
Intonation and meaning /
Intonation in discourse /
L2 Spanish and Italian intonation : accounting for the different patterns displayed by L1 Czech and German learners /
P222 .B38 2006eb The intonation of givenness : evidence from German / 1
P222 .B6 Intonation: selected readings / 1
P222 .C65 2002 La tonía : dimensiones fonéticas y fonológicas / 1
P222 .C75 Consonant types & tone / 1
P222 .C78 1986 Intonation / 1