Call Number (LC) Title Results
P240.8 .C67 2000 Number / 1
P240.8 .C67 2000eb Number / 2
P240.8 .C86 2015 Constraints on numerical expressions / 1
P240.8 .D35 2021 A theory of distributed number / 1
P240.8 .H37 2007 Morphosemantic number : from Kiowa noun classes to UG number features / 1
P240.8 .K87 2008 Deklinationsklassen-Wandel : eine diachron-kontrastive Studie zur Entwicklung der Pluralallomorphie im Deutschen, Niederländischen, Schwedischen und Dänischen / 1
P240.8 .L37 1995 Plurality, conjunction, and events / 1
P240.8 .L56 1997 Algebraic semantics in language and philosophy / 1
P240.8 .M45 1998 Numerus und Nominalaspekt : eine Studie zur romanischen Apprehension / 1
P240.8 .P58 1998 Plurality and quantification / 1
P240.8 .S34 1993 Plurals and events / 1
P240.8 .S35 1996 Pluralities / 1
P240.8 .S65 2012 La concordancia de número en español : cuatro casos de alternancia / 1
P240.85 .A35 2018 Features of person : from the inventory of persons to their morphological realization / 1
P240.85 .A35 2018eb Features of person : from the inventory of persons to their morphological realization / 1
P240.85 .C95 2003 The paradigmatic structure of person marking / 1
P240.85 .C95 2009eb The paradigmatic structure of person marking / 2
P240.85 .D4 2006 I : the meaning of the first person term / 1
P240.85 .E46 2018 Egophoricity / 2
P240.85 .H37 2016 Impossible persons / 1