Call Number (LC) Title Results
P25 .C25 vol. 46 Nisenan texts and dictionary / 1
P25 .C25 vol. 48 Uto-Aztecan cognate sets / 1
P25 .C25 vol. 49 Russian phonetic variants and phonostylistics / 1
P25 .C25 vol. 50 The phonology and morphology of the Navaho language / 1
P25 .C25 vol. 51 A Luiseño dictionary / 1
P25 .C25 vol. 52 Pronominal reference in Thai, Burmese, and Vietnamese / 1
P25 .C25 vol. 53 Latin legacy versus substratum residue : the unstressed "derivational" suffixes in the romance vernaculars of the western Mediterranean / 1
P25 .C25 vol. 54 Koya: an outline grammar : Gommu dialect / 1
P25 .C25 vol. 55 The syntax of Mandarin interrogatives / 1
P25 .C25 vol. 56 The Tarascan language / 1
P25 .C25 vol. 57 A grammar of Tera : transformational syntax and tests / 1
P25 .C25 vol. 58 Proto-Indo-European schwebeablaut / 1
P25 .C25 vol. 59 Dictionary of Western Kamchadal / 1
P25 .C25 vol. 60 Bodega Miwok dictionary / 1
P25 .C25 vol. 61 Tzeltal phonology and morphology / 1
P25 .C25 vol. 62 Nez Perce grammar / 1
P25 .C25 vol. 63 Studies in Romance nouns extracted from past participles / 1
P25 .C25 vol. 64 Patterns of derivational affixation in the Cabraniego dialect of east-central Asturian / 1
P25 .C25 vol. 65 Studies in American Indian languages / 1
P25 .C25 vol. 66 A grammar of Diegueño : the Mesa Grande dialect / 1