Call Number (LC) Title Results
P291 .K534 2019eb Translingual words : an East Asian lexical encounter with English /
Translingual words an East Asian lexical encounter with English /
P291 .K55 2012 Sensorimotor cognition and natural language syntax / 1
P291 .K556 2017 Introducing syntax / 1
P291 .K568 2000 The syntax of specifiers and heads : collected essays of Hilda J. Koopman. 1
P291 .K568 2000eb The syntax of specifiers and heads : collected essays of Hilda J. Koopman. 2
P291 .K64 1981 Locality principles in syntax / 1
P291 .K64 2012 Quantitative syntax analysis / 1
P291 .K64 2012eb Quantitative syntax analysis / 1
P291 .K65 Beiträge zur allgemeinen Syntax. 1
P291 .K76 2004 Analyzing syntax : a lexical-functional approach / 1
P291 .K76 2004eb Analyzing syntax : a lexical-functional approach / 1
P291 .K84 2003 Optimality-theoretic syntax : a declarative approach / 1
P291 .K859 2004 Functional constraints in grammar : on the unergative-unaccusative distinction / 1
P291 .K859 2004eb Functional constraints in grammar : on the unergative-unaccusative distinction / 1
P291 .K86 1993 Grammar and discourse principles : functional syntax and GB theory / 1
P291 .K87 The 'whole' of the doughnut : syntax and its boundaries /
The 'w'hole of the doughnut : syntax and its boundaries /
P291 .L25 2017eb Labels and roots / 2
P291 .L26 2014eb Language and recursion / 1
P291 .L33 2010 Grammar as science / 1
P291 .L34 2007 Language typology and syntactic description. 1