Call Number (LC) Title Results
P295 .D57 2007 Direct compositionality / 1
P295 .D57 2007eb Direct compositionality / 1
P295 .E96 2008 Event structures in linguistic form and interpretation / 2
P295 .F4 2001 Empty categories in sentence processing / 1
P295 .F4 2001eb Empty categories in sentence processing / 1
P295 .F54 1994 Indices and identity / 1
P295 .F56 2017 The final-over-final condition : a syntactic universal / 1
P295 .F56 2017eb The final-over-final condition : a syntactic universal / 1
P295 .F57 2010 Word-order change as a source of grammaticalisation / 1
P295 .F57 2010eb Word-order change as a source of grammaticalisation / 1
P295 .F67 2008 The emergence of order in syntax / 1
P295 .F67 2008eb The emergence of order in syntax / 1
P295 .F74 2005eb The free word order phenomenon : its syntactic sources and diversity / 1
P295 .F75 2018 Freezing : theoretical approaches and empirical domains / 1
P295 .G67 2003 Manifestations of genericity / 1
P295 .G67 2003eb Manifestations of genericity / 2
P295 .G68 1990 Argument structure / 1
P295 .G74 1984 Topic, Focus and Configurationality : Papers from the 6th Groningen Grammar Talks, Groningen, 1984.
Topic, focus, and configurationality : papers from the 6th Groningen Grammar Talks, Groningen, 1984 /
P295 .H235 2014 Automaton theories of human sentence comprehension / 1
P295 .H34 1983 Word order universals
Word order universals /