Call Number (LC) Title Results
P296 .G37 2008 Introducción a la fraseología española : estudio de las locuciones / 1
P296 .K67 1989 Ocherki po obshcheĭ frazeologii : frazeosochetani︠i︡a v sisteme ︠i︡azyka / 1
P296 .M38 2015 Head movement in syntax / 1
P296 .P48 2000 Phrasal movement and its kin / 1
P296 .P48 2000eb Phrasal movement and its kin 1
P296 .R45 1979 Relations prédicat-actant(s) dans des langues de types divers / 1
P296 .R5 1982 A case study in syntactic markedness : the binding nature of prepositional phrases / 1
P296 .S9 1989 Syntactic Phrase Structure Phenomena in Noun Phrases and Sentences. 1
P297 Studies in the syntax of relative and comparative causes /
Partitions and atoms of clause structure : subjects, agreement, case, and clitics /
Noun-modifying clause constructions in languages of Eurasia : rethinking theoretical and geographical boundaries /
Levels in clause linkage : a crosslinguistic survey /
Question-orientedness and the semantics of clausal complementation /
Parameters of predicate fronting /
P297 .A53 1985 Studies in the syntax of relative and comparative clauses / 1
P297 .B34 1991 Der restriktive Relativsatz im Italienischen und Polnischen : eine vergleichende Untersuchung / 1
P297 .B45 2009 Structures and strategies / 1
P297 .B45 2009eb Structures and strategies 1
P297 .C38 2000 Cause, condition, concession, contrast : cognitive and discourse perspectives / 1
P297 .C38 2000eb Cause, condition, concession, contrast : cognitive and discourse perspectives / 1
P297 .C49 2020 The syntax of relative clauses : a unified analysis / 1
P297 .C54 1988 Clause combining in grammar and discourse / 1
P297 .C546 2010 Clause linking and clause hierarchy : syntax and pragmatics / 1
P297 .C546 2010eb Clause linking and clause hierarchy : syntax and pragmatics / 1
P297 .C55 1995 Clause structure and language change / 1