Call Number (LC) Title Results
P301 .R473 2008 Rhetorik als kulturelle Praxis / 1
P301 .R49 1991 Richards on rhetoric : I.A. Richards, selected essays (1929-1974) / 3
P301 .R53 2008 Rhetoric / 1
P301 .S18 Linguistic style and persuasion / 2
P301 .S362 1988 Textbook : an introduction to literary language / 1
P301 .S465 2017 The Speaking self : language lore and English usage. / 1
P301 .S56 2008 Sizing up rhetoric / 1
P301 .S596 2007 Figuratively speaking : rhetoric and culture from Quintilian to the Twin Towers / 1
P301 .S596 2012eb Figuratively speaking : rhetoric and culture from Quintilian to the Twin Towers / 1
P301 .S634 1994 Speaking About Writing : Reflections on Research Methodology. 1
P301 .S74713 1995 The St. Gall Tractate : a medieval guide to rhetorical syntax / 1
P301 .S79 2007 Stylistics : prospect & retrospect / 1
P301 .S82 2009 The history of rhetoric and the rhetoric of history / 1
P301 .S824 2014 Kant and the promise of rhetoric / 1
P301 .S824 2014eb Kant and the promise of rhetoric / 1
P301 .S86 1993 Studies in functional stylistics / 2
P301 .S87 Style and text : studies presented to Nils Erik Enkvist / 1
P301 .S8787 2007eb Stylistics : prospect & retrospect / 1
P301 .S879 1996 The stylistics reader : from Roman Jakobson to the present / 1
P301.S88 R48 2015eb A revolution in tropes : alloiostrophic rhetoric / 1