Call Number (LC) Title Results
P302.7 .T49 2008 Theorizing narrativity / 1
P302.7 .T49 2008eb Theorizing narrativity / 1
P302.7 .T66 1988 Narrative : a critical linguistic introduction / 1
P302.7 .T66 2001eb Narrative : a critical linguistic introduction / 1
P302.7 .T85 2019 Twitter, fragmented narrative & the 2013 military intervention in Egypt. 1
P302.7 ebook ¿Cómo analizar la narración en un relato corto? / 2
P302.75 .L36 1992 Die parenthetische Konstruktion als textuelle Strategie : zur kognitiven und kommunikativen Basis einer grammatischen Kategorie / 1
P302.76 Crime and corpus : the linguistic representation of crime in the press /
Interperspectival content /
P302.76 .A38 2012eb Advice in discourse / 1
P302.76 .P47 2002 Perspective and perspectivation in discourse / 1
P302.76 .P47 2002eb Perspective and perspectivation in discourse / 1
P302.76 .T33 2015 Crime and corpus : the linguistic representation of crime in the press / 1
P302.76 .W67 2021 Discourse analysis beyond the speech event / 1
P302.77 Defiant discourse : speech and action in grassroots activism /
The dynamics of political discourse : forms and functions of follow-ups /
The pragmatics of governmental discourse : resilience, sustainability and wellbeing /
Discourse, politics and women as global leaders /
All bullshit and lies? : insincerity, irresponsibility and the judgment of untruthfulness /
Occupy : the spatial dynamics of discourse in global protest movements /
Topics in political discourse analysis /
Magyars and political discourses in the new millennium : changing meanings in Hungary at the start of the twenty-first century /
Wirtschaftskrisen : Eine linguistische Diskursgeschichte /
Systemic functional political discourse analysis : a text-based study /
Follow-ups in political discourse : explorations across contexts and discourse domains /
Linguistic analysis of diplomatic discourse.
Discursive strategies and political hegemony : the Turkish Case /
Discourse, identity and legitimacy : self and other in representations of Iran's nuclear programme /
A critical discourse study of the "Chinese dream" : context, discursive construction and media representation /
P302.77 .A45 2017 Discourse and identity formation : parliamentary debates in Bahrain / 1
P302.77 .A53 2013 Analysing fascist discourse European fascism in talk and text /
Analysing Fascist discourse : European Fascism in talk and text /
P302.77 .A55 2008 Analysing identities in discourse / 1
P302.77 .A57 2013eb Analyzing genres in political communication : theory and practice / 1
P302.77 .A95 2014 The great American scaffold : intertextuality and identity in American presidential discourse / 1
P302.77 .A95 2014eb The great American scaffold : intertextuality and identity in American presidential discourse / 1