Call Number (LC) Title Results
P302.77 .R33 1999 "Revolution" : the entrance of a new word into Western political discourse / 1
P302.77 .R53 2017eb British fascism : a discourse-historical analysis / 1
P302.77 .R65 2017 The role of language in the climate change debate / 1
P302.77 .R68 2019eb The Routledge handbook of language in conflict / 1
P302.77 .S37 2013 Silence and concealment in political discourse / 2
P302.77 .S63 2013 Speaking of Europe : approaches to complexity in European political discourse / 1
P302.77 .T45 2010 Representations and othering in discourse : the construction of Turkey in the EU context / 1
P302.77 .T45 2010eb Representations and othering in discourse : the construction of Turkey in the EU context / 1
P302.77 V468 2023  
P302.77 .W66 2019 Political identity in discourse : the voices of New Zealand voters / 1
P302.77 .Z54 2017 Articulations of self and politics in activist discourse : A discourse analysis of critical subjectivities in minority debates / 1
P302.77 ebook La palabra y la acción la máquina de enunciación K / 1
P302.8 Focus and coherence in discourse processing /
Discursive self in microblogging : speech acts, stories and self-praise /
Discourse and psychology : an introduction /
Cognitive discourse analysis : an introduction /
P302.8 .A24 2008 What we remember : the construction of memory in military discourse / 1
P302.8 .A68 2004 Approaches to cognition through text and discourse / 1
P302.8 .A68 2004eb Approaches to cognition through text and discourse / 1
P302.8 .B49 2010eb Beyond narrative coherence / 1
P302.8 .C46 1994 Discourse, consciousness, and time : the flow and displacement of conscious experience in speaking and writing / 1
P302.8 .C66 2005 Conversation and cognition / 1
P302.8 .C66 2005eb Conversation and cognition / 1