Call Number (LC) Title Results
P4.2-169 First-class matter not to be accepted for insurance or transmission as C.O.D. mail. 1
P4.2-170 Card notices concerning mail subject to 3-cent rate when returned under cover to issuing post office. 1
P4.2-171 Three-cent stamps and stamped envelopes. 1
P4.2-172 Reminder; postage rates on 1st-class matter and air mail effective July 6, 1932. 1
P4.2-173 Fish taken in inland waters of Maine not to be accepted for mailing in violation of State law. 1
P4.2-174.1 Attention, all Florida postmasters. 1
P4.2-174.2 Removal of restrictions on mailing fruits and vegetables in Florida. 1
P4.2-175 Restrictions on shipment of carcasses, hides, skins, or hoofs of cattle, sheep, and other animals, and of hay, straw, or similar fodder from area in California quarantined on account of foot-and-mouth disease. 1
P4.2-176 Forms 3540 and 3548. 1
P4.2-177 Reports on Form 3580 and Form 3039. 1
P4.2-178 Notices on Form 3547 regarding 3rd and 4th class matter. 1
P4.2-179 Newspaper and periodical statements for quarter ending Sept. 30 to be submitted on new Form 3551. 1
P4.2-180 Prepare Forms 3540 and 3548 properly and completely. 1
P4.2-181 Forms 3614, 3615, and 3616 are now stock forms. 1
P4.2-182 Form 3547. 1
P4.2-183 Proper wording and arrangement on 3rd and 4th class matter of request of sender to be notified on Form 3547 of new address of addressee. 1
P4.2-184 New stock Form 3208, packer's slip, to accompany redemption shipments. 1
P4.2-185 Failure to furnish information requested on Form 3547. 1
P4.2-186 New stock Form 3208, packer's slip, to accompany redemption shipments. 1
P4.2-187 Key number to be included in information furnished on Form 3547. 1