Call Number (LC) Title Results
P40.4.M628 L36 2018 Language, politics and society in the Middle East : essays in honour of Yasir Suleiman / 1
P40.4.M628 .L364 1999eb Language and society in the Middle East and North Africa : studies in variation and identity / 1
P40.4.R8 S6 Soviet contributions to the sociology of language / 1
P40.4.S6 M46 2023 Language narratives and shifting multilingual pedagogies : English teaching from the South / 1
P40.4.U6 S66 2010 The social history of language and social interaction research : people, places, ideas / 1
P40.45 Linguistic Profiles : Going from Form to Meaning via Statistics.
Languages and communities in the late-Roman and post-imperial western provinces /
Language, Literature and Style in Africa : a Festschrift for Professor Christopher Olatunji Awonuga.
queerqueen : linguistic excess in Japanese media /
P40.45.A35 Sociolinguistics in African contexts perspectives and challenges / 1
P40.45.A35 A37 2018eb African youth languages : new media, performing arts and sociolinguistic development / 1
P40.45.A35 B38 2005 Language decline and death in Africa : causes, consequences and challenges / 1
P40.45.A35 B38 2005eb Language decline and death in Africa : causes, consequences, and challenges / 1
P40.45.A35 D54 2015 The Leopard's spots : essays on language, cognition, and culture / 1
P40.45.A35 D54 2015eb The Leopard's spots : essays on language, cognition, and culture / 1
P40.45.A35 E87 2015eb Essays on Language, Communication and Literature in Africa. 1
P40.45.A35 L367 2009 The languages of urban Africa / 1
P40.45.A35 L367 2009eb The languages of urban Africa / 1
P40.45.A35 P64 1982 Language, society, and paleoculture : essays / 1
P40.45.A358 The African Palimpsest : Indigenization of Language in the West African Europhone Novel. 1
P40.45.A358 Z33 2007 The African palimpsest : indigenization of language in the West African europhone novel / 1
P40.45.A65 A49 2022 Arabic sociolinguistics / 1
P40.45.A65 A55 2016 Modern Arabic sociolinguistics : diglossia, variation, codeswitching, attitudes and identity / 1