Call Number (LC) Title Results
P53.27 .H84 2024 The diagnosis of writing in a second or foreign language / 1
P53.27 .H948 2004 Genre and second language writing / 1
P53.27 .H948 2004eb Genre and second language writing / 1
P53.27 .H95 2003 Second language writing / 2
P53.27 .H95 2003eb Second language writing
Second language writing /
P53.27 .L49 2011 Lexical errors and accuracy in foreign language writing / 1
P53.27 .L49 2011eb Lexical errors and accuracy in foreign language writing / 1
P53.27 .L53 2022 A dynamic systems theory perspective on L2 writing development / 1
P53.27 .L58 2002 Peer response in second language writing classrooms / 1
P53.27 .N37 2014eb Narrative inquiry in language teaching and learning research / 1
P53.27 .N38 2013 Narrative research in applied linguistics / 1
P53.27 .N45 2004 The writing lab approach to language instruction and intervention / 1
P53.27 .O5 2000eb On second language writing 1
P53.27 .O5 2001 On second language writing / 1
P53.27 .P46 1996 The computer and the non-native writer : a natural partnership / 1
P53.27 .P655 2017eb  
P53.27 .R4 2003 The realms of rhetoric : the prospects for rhetoric education / 1
P53.27 .R4 2003eb The realms of rhetoric : the prospects for rhetoric education / 1
P53.27 .R43 2017eb Reflections on language teacher identity research / 2
P53.27 .R45 2010 Reinventing identities in second language writing / 1