Call Number (LC) Title Results
P90 .C56 2009 Chuan bo di li yu chuan mei hu dong : hai xia liang an chuan mei wen hua bi jiao yan jiu / 1
P90 .C57 1998 The circuit of mass communication : media strategies, representation and audience reception in the AIDS crisis / 1
P90 C57 1998eb The circuit of mass communication media strategies, representation and audience reception in the AIDS crisis / 1
P90 .C629 Communication and behavior / 1
P90 .C6292 2006 Communication as perspectives on theory /
Communication as-- : perspectives on theory /
P90 .C6293 2019 Communicating for social change : meaning, power, and resistance / 1
P90 .C6328 2005eb Communication theory & research an ECJ anthology /
Communication theory & research : an ECJ anthology /
P90 .C6335 1987 Communication theory : eastern and western perspectives /
Communication theory eastern and western perspectives /
P90 .C6346 1983 Communications in a changing world. 1
P90 .C6346 1983 v.3  
P90 .C64 1966 Semantics and communication / 1
P90 .C64 1975 Semantics and communication / 1
P90 .C644 Perspectives on mass media systems: India, Japan, Nigeria, USSR, Worldvision. 1
P90 .C65 1947a Papers / 1
P90 .C657 1995 The consequentiality of communication / 1
P90 .C657 1995eb The consequentiality of communication / 1
P90 .C66 1981 Contact--human communication and its history / 1
P90 .C66 2002eb Communication yearbook 26 / 1
P90 .C66 2003eb Communication yearbook 27 /
Communication yearbook 27
P90 .C66 2006eb Communication yearbook 30 1