Call Number (LC) Title Results
P91.25.V35 2003eb Companion to Media Studies. 1
P91.25 ebook Profesionales de la información y la comunicación : lo que hacemos y lo que haremos : selección de artículos publicados en COMeIN, revista de los Estudios de Ciencias de la Información y de la Comunicación (2011-2016) / 1
P91.27 .L36 2014 Personalisation in mass media communication : British online news between public and private / 1
P91.27 .M57 2018 Misinformation and mass audiences / 1
P91.27 .M57 2018eb Misinformation and mass audiences / 1
P91.28 .E74 2016eb English in computer-mediated communication : variation, representation, and change / 2
P91.28 .M43 2004eb Media access : social and psychological dimensions of new technology use / 2
P91.28 .Y43 2001 Shi kong sui dao : wang luo shi dai hua chuan bo / 1
P91.28 .Z46 Zhongguo xin mei ti fa zhan bao gao / 1
P91.28 ebook El futuro de la comunicación : redes, medios y poder / 1
P91.3 Media Across the African Diaspora : Content, Audiences, and Influence /
Collaboration in media studies : doing and being together /
Measuring global media freedom : the Media Freedom Analyzer as a new assessment tool /
Focus groups : applying communication theory through design, facilitation and analysis /
Advancing media production research : shifting sites, methods, and politics /
Global convergence cultures : transmedia Earth /
Voices of strong democracy : concepts and models for service-learning in communication studies /
Environment, media, and popular culture in Southeast Asia /
The handbook of applied communication research.
The handbook of media and mass communication theory /
Communication under the microscope : the theory and practice of microanalysis /
Applied communication research methods : getting started as a researcher /
Media education and the liberal arts : a blueprint for the new professionalism /
Conversations about qualitative communication research : behind the scenes with leading scholars /
Assessing media education : a resource handbook for educators and administrators /
Communication research measures : a sourcebook /
Reflections on the International Association for Media and Communication Research : many voices, one forum /
Transliteracy in complex information environments /
Understanding communication theory : a beginner's guide /
Distinctive Qualities in Communication Research.
Metric power /
Content analysis of email archival messages : why use software and how to train coders? /
Multimodality, digitalization and cognitivity in communication and pedagogy
Case studies and projects in communication /
Doing experimental media archaeology : practice /
Doing experimental media archaeology : theory /
Classics in media theory /
Re-inventing the media /
La comunicación y el lenguaje entre las personas : herramientas didácticas para el desarrollo de las sociedades /
Handbook of research on teaching literacy through the communicative and visual arts.
De lo viejo a lo nuevo teorias, metodos e instituciones de la investigacion en comunicacion.
Paul Lazarsfeld and the origins of communications research /
How to do media and cultural studies /
The media and communications study skills student guide /
Researching creativity in media industries /
Le B.A.-Ba de la communication : Comment convaincre, informer, séduire?
Expanding media histories cultural and material perspectives.
P91.3 .A37 2009eb Een gesprek zonder einde : over strategische communicatie in een voortdurend veranderende omgeving / 1
P91.3 .A39 2015 Advancing media production research : shifting sites, methods, and politics / 1
P91.3 .A44 1995 Internships in communications / 1
P91.3 .A44 1995 Guide Internships in communications : a guide for faculty coordinators and instructors / 1
P91.3 .A48 1996 Qualitative media analysis / 2
P91.3 .A48 2013 Qualitative media analysis / 1
P91.3 .A48 2013eb Qualitative media analysis / 1
P91.3 .A485 1999 Popular culture in the classroom : teaching and researching critical media literacy / 1