Call Number (LC) Title Results
P92.5.M3 F566 2015 Finding McLuhan : the mind, the man, the message / 1
P92.5.M3 G66 2007 Everyman's McLuhan / 1
P92.5.M3 G67 1997 Marshall McLuhan : escape into understanding : a biography / 1
P92.5.M3 G675 2010eb McLuhan : a guide for the perplexed / 1
P92.5.M3 L343 2012 Marshall McLuhan's mosaic : probing the literary origins of media studies / 1
P92.5.M3L35 2012 Marshall McLuhan's Mosaic : Probing the Literary Origins of Media Studies / 1
P92.5.M3 L44 2005 The legacy of McLuhan / 1
P92.5.M3 M33 2021 McLuhan's techno-sensorium city : coming to our senses in a programmed environment / 1
P92.5.M3 M34 1989 Marshall McLuhan : the medium and the messenger / 2
P92.5.M3 M345 1989 Marshall McLuhan : the man and his message / 1
P92.5.M3 M356 2016 McLuhan's global village today : transatlantic perspectives / 1
P92.5.M3 M37 2005 Marshall McLuhan : cosmic media / 1
P92.5.M3 M37 2005eb Marshall McLuhan : cosmic media / 2
P92.5.M3 M5 1971b Marshall McLuhan /
Marshall McLuhan.
P92.5.M3 N4 1993 Clarifying McLuhan : an assessment of process and product / 1
P92.5.M3 P69 2014 Marshall McLuhan and Northrop Frye : apocalypse and alchemy / 1
P92.5.M3 P69 2014eb Marshall McLuhan and Northrop Frye : Apocalypse and Alchemy / 1
P92.5.M3 T35 2017 Taking up McLuhan's cause : perspectives on media and formal causality / 1
P92.5.M3 T5 The medium is the rear view mirror, understanding McLuhan / 2
P92.5.M3 T52 2001 The virtual Marshall McLuhan / 1