Call Number (LC) Title Results
P94.5.G572 C436 2014 Girls and Media-Dreams and Realities. 1
P94.5.H47 H47 2022 The hero and hero-making across genres / 1
P94.5.H472 U557 2020 Patterns of American popular heroism : from Roman and biblical roots to modern media / 1
P94.5.H58 LatinX voices : Hispanics in media in the U.S. / 3
P94.5.H58 A48 2018 Abject performances : aesthetic strategies in Latino cultural production / 2
P94.5.H58 B76 2003 Brown and Black communication : Latino and African American conflict and convergence in mass media / 1
P94.5.H58 C66 1985 Telecommunications and Latinos : an assessment of issues and opportunities : proceedings of the Conference on Telecommunications and Latinos / 1
P94.5.H58 C66 2014 Contemporary Latina/o media : production, circulation, politics / 1
P94.5.H58 C67 2018  
P94.5.H58 D53 2020 Manufacturing celebrity : Latino paparazzi and women reporters in Hollywood / 1
P94.5.H58 L36 2008 Latina/o communication studies today / 1
P94.5.H58 L365 2011 Latina/o discourse in vernacular spaces : somos de una voz? / 1
P94.5.H58L365 2011 Latina/o Discourse in Vernacular Spaces : Somos de Una Voz? 1
P94.5.H58 L37 1981 Latino language and communicative behavior / 1
P94.5.H58 L38 2013 Latinos and narrative media : participation and portrayal / 1
P94.5.H58 R56 2015 Continental shifts : migration, representation, and the struggle for justice in Latin(o) America / 1
P94.5.H58 V34 2010 Latina/os and the media / 1
P94.5.H58 V43 1987 Hispanic media, USA : a narrative guide to print and electronic Hispanic news media in the United States / 1
P94.5.H582 In search of belonging : Latinas, media, and citizenship /
Latin looks : images of Latinas and Latinos in the U.S. media /
P94.5.H582 U65 1997 Latin looks : images of Latinas and Latinos in the U.S. media / 1