Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
P94.5.Y722 F838 2001 | Enfants terribles : youth and femininity in the mass media in France, 1945-1968 / | 2 |
P94.5.Y722 R87 2022 | Haunted dreams : fantasies of adolescence in post-Soviet culture / | 2 |
P94.5.Y722 R87 2023 | Haunted dreams : fantasies of adolescence in post-Soviet culture / | 1 |
P94.5.Y722 U675 2010 | Drop that knowledge : youth radio stories / | 1 |
P94.5.Y722 U675 2010eb | Drop that knowledge : youth radio stories / | 3 |
P94.5.Y722 U74 2010 | Teen media : Hollywood and the youth market in the digital age / | 2 |
P94.6 |
La comunicación en un eventual escenario de transición y posconflicto / Understanding intercultural communication : negotiating a grammar of culture / The Art of Connecting : How to Overcome Differences, Build Rapport, and Communicate Effectively with Anyone. Cultural Studies in Question. Developing Intercultural Competence through English : Focus on Ukrainian and Polish Cultures. The Oxford handbook of mobile communication and society / Identitätsräume Nation, Körper und Geschlecht in den Medien. Eine Topografie. Transnational audiences : media reception on a global scale / Media imperialism / Intercultural communications / Selected topics in intercultural communication / Human and mediated communication around the world : a comprehensive review and analysis / Intercultural communicative competence for global citizenship : identifying cyberpragmatic rules of engagement in telecollaboration / In the company of media : cultural constructions of communication, 1920s-1930s / An ecology of communication : cultural formats of control / Imagining the global : transnational media and popular culture beyond East and West / Setting agendas in cultural markets : organizations, creators, experiences / Manufacturing Desire : Media, Popular Culture, and Everyday Life / Beyond media borders. Metaphor and Intercultural Communication / Global Entertainment Media : Between Cultural Imperialism and Cultural Globalization. Research methods in intercultural communication : a practical guide / Culture first! : promoting standards in the new media age / Cross-cultural conversation : a new way of learning / Media and the politics of offence / The culture industry and participatory audiences / Linguistic pragmatics of intercultural professional and business communication / Media events : a critical contemporary approach / Intercultural communication The creative system in action : understanding cultural production and practice / Pensamiento, arte y comunicación: la importancia de hacer llegar el mensaje / Spectacle / Mediale Affektökonomie : Emotionen im Reality TV und deren Kommentierung bei Facebook / Entgrenzte Öffentlichkeit : Debattenkulturen im politischen und medialen Wandel / Strategies of adaptation in tourist communication : linguistic insights / Screen society / Spectacle and Diversity : Transnational Media and Global Culture. Traveling Traditions : Nineteenth-Century Cultural Concepts and Transatlantic Intellectual Networks / Global Media Entertainment : a Critical Introduction. How to build a rapport / The handbook of communication in cross-cultural perspective / |
48 |
P94.6 .A355 2012 | Against and Beyond : Subversion and Transgression in Mass Media, Popular Culture and Performance. | 1 |
P94.6.A43 | Covering the Community : a Diversity Handbook for Media. | 1 |
P94.6 .A43 1999 | Covering the community a diversity handbook for media / | 1 |
P94.6 .A45 1995 | An ecology of communication : cultural formats of control / | 1 |
P94.6 .A492 2016 | Ambient screens and transnational public spaces / | 1 |
P94.6 .A57 1998 | Elusive margins : consuming media, ethnicity, and culture / | 1 |
P94.6 .A574 2002 | The anthropology of media : a reader / | 1 |
P94.6 .A68 2021 | #Antología degenerada : una cartografía del lenguaje "inclusivo" / | 1 |
P94.6 A839 2017 | The Discourse of Special Populations : Critical Intercultural Communication Pedagogy and Practice / | 1 |
P94.6 .A885 2016 | Transnational audiences : media reception on a global scale / | 1 |
P94.6 B335 2015 | The Way Things Aren't. | 1 |
P94.6 .B36 2013eb | Barthes' Mythologies today : readings of contemporary culture / | 2 |
P94.6 .B42 2005eb |
Fredric Wertham and the critique of mass culture / Fredric Wertham and the critique of mass culture |
3 |