Call Number (LC) Title Results
P94.6 .A68 2021 #Antología degenerada : una cartografía del lenguaje "inclusivo" / 1
P94.6 A839 2017 The Discourse of Special Populations : Critical Intercultural Communication Pedagogy and Practice / 1
P94.6 .A885 2016 Transnational audiences : media reception on a global scale / 1
P94.6 B335 2015 The Way Things Aren't. 1
P94.6 .B36 2013eb Barthes' Mythologies today : readings of contemporary culture / 2
P94.6 .B42 2005eb Fredric Wertham and the critique of mass culture /
Fredric Wertham and the critique of mass culture
P94.6 .B43 2005 Fredric Wertham and the critique of mass culture / 1
P94.6 B46 2011 After the media : culture and identity in the 21st century /
After the Media : Culture and Identity in the 21st Century.
P94.6 B46 2011eb After the media : culture and identity in the 21st century / 1
P94.6 .B47 1996 Manufacturing desire : media, popular culture, and everyday life / 1
P94.6 .B475 1999 Transcultural experiments : Russian and American models of creative communication / 1
P94.6 .B48 2012 Beyond globalization : making new worlds in media, art, and social practices / 1
P94.6 .B48 2012eb Beyond globalization : making new worlds in media, art, and social practices / 2
P94.6 .B49 2006 Beyond misunderstanding : linguistic analyses of intercultural communication / 1
P94.6 .B49 2006eb Beyond misunderstanding : linguistic analyses of intercultural communication / 1
P94.6 .B49 2020 Beyond media borders : intermedial relations among multimodal media. 2
P94.6 .B65 2016 Inhuman networks : social media and the archaeology of connection / 1
P94.6 .B65 2019 Materialist media theory : an introduction / 1
P94.6 B66 2017 Anderssprechen : vom Witz der Differenz in Werken von Emine Sevgi Özdamar, Felicitas Hoppe und Yōko Tawada / 1
P94.6 .B69 2007 Communication across cultures : mutual understanding in a global world / 1