Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
P94.6 .H36 2002 | Handbook of international and intercultural communication / | 2 |
P94.6 .H365 2009 | Learning language and culture via public Internet discussion forums / | 1 |
P94.6 .H365 2009eb | Learning language and culture via public Internet discussion forums | 1 |
P94.6 .H37 2000 | In the company of media : cultural constructions of communication, 1920s-1930s / | 1 |
P94.6 .H375 2006 | Perspectives on global cultures / | 1 |
P94.6 .H380 1997 | Communication across cultures : translation theory and contrastive text linguistics / | 1 |
P94.6 .H47 1995 | Cultural transactions : nature, self, society / | 1 |
P94.6 .H63 2011 | Media, culture and society : an introduction / | 1 |
P94.6 .H648 2013eb | Understanding intercultural communication : negotiating a grammar of culture / | 1 |
P94.6 .H68 2012 |
Intercultural Dialogue in Practice : Managing Value Judgment Through Foreign Language Education. Intercultural dialogue in practice : managing value judgment through foreign language education / |
2 |
P94.6 .H83 2003 | Mirrors and windows : an intercultural communication textbook / | 1 |
P94.6 .H84 2010 | Cult-ure / | 1 |
P94.6 .I43 2018 | Conceiving Migration and Communication in a Global Perspective. | 1 |
P94.6 .I5825 2005eb | Intercultural discourse and communication the essential readings / | 1 |
P94.6 .I5829 2010 | The intercultural dynamics of multicultural working / | 1 |
P94.6 .I68 2021 | Intercultural crisis communication : translation, interpreting and languages in local crises / | 1 |
P94.6 .J33 2019 | You are what you read : why changing your media diet can change the world / | 1 |
P94.6 .J35 2017 | Das Medienabenteuer : Aufsätze zur Medienkulturwissenschaft / | 1 |
P94.6 .J46 2013 | Spreadable media : creating value and meaning in a networked culture / | 1 |
P94.6 .J46 2013eb | Spreadable media : creating value and meaning in a networked culture / | 1 |