Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
P94.6 .I68 2021 | Intercultural crisis communication : translation, interpreting and languages in local crises / | 1 |
P94.6 .J33 2019 | You are what you read : why changing your media diet can change the world / | 1 |
P94.6 .J35 2017 | Das Medienabenteuer : Aufsätze zur Medienkulturwissenschaft / | 1 |
P94.6 .J46 2013 | Spreadable media : creating value and meaning in a networked culture / | 1 |
P94.6 .J46 2013eb | Spreadable media : creating value and meaning in a networked culture / | 1 |
P94.6 .J56 2020 | Globalization and media in the digital platform age / | 2 |
P94.6 .K26 1988 | Kanalarbeit : Medienstrategien im Kulturwandel / | 1 |
P94.6 .K37 2019 | Comparative cross-national case study research : the ́stuff́ research methods books dońt tell you / | 1 |
P94.6 .K56 2002 |
Non-Western Perspectives on Human Communication : Implications for Theory and Practice. Non-western perspectives on human communication : implications for theory and practice / |
2 |
P94.6 .K56 2002eb | Non-western perspectives on human communication : implications for theory and practice / | 1 |
P94.6 .K57 2011 | Networked reenactments : stories transdisciplinary knowledges tell / | 1 |
P94.6 .K57 2012eb | Networked reenactments stories transdisciplinary knowledges tell / | 1 |
P94.6 .K58 2008 | Delusive spaces : essays on culture, media and technology / | 1 |
P94.6 .K66 2002 | Kommunikation, Kunst und Kultur / | 1 |
P94.6 .K74 2017 | Getting through : the pleasures and perils of cross-cultural communication / | 1 |
P94.6 .K85 2006 | Kultur, Medien, Macht : cultural Studies und Medienanalyse / | 1 |
P94.6 .K89 2014eb | Exploitation of schemata in persuasive and manipulative discourse in English, Polish and Russian / | 1 |
P94.6 .L356 2013 |
Language and intercultural communication in the new era / Language and intercultural communication in the new era |
2 |
P94.6 .L358 2022 | Language and intercultural communication in tourism : critical perspectives / | 1 |
P94.6 .L37 1999 | Culture jam : the uncooling of America / | 1 |