Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
P95.82.C6 Z39 2011 | The transformation of political communication in China : from propaganda to hegemony / | 2 |
P95.82.C6 Z43 2008 | Communication in China : political economy, power, and conflict / | 1 |
P95.82.C7 ebook | HUMOR POLITICO AUDIOVISUAL EN COLOMBIA : de los gloriosos anos noventa en television a internet como alternativa. | 1 |
P95.82.C7 R85 2017eb | Medios, politica y sociedad aportes a una linea de investigacion en comunicacion social. | 1 |
P95.82.C723 E85 2009 | Eyes of democracy : the media and elections / | 1 |
P95.82.C87 M35 2001 | The people, press, and politics of Croatia / | 1 |
P95.82.C87 M35 2001eb | The people, press, and politics of Croatia / | 1 |
P95.82.D44 | Media, Development and Democracy. | 1 |
P95.82.D44 V57 2023 | Visual politics in the Global South / | 1 |
P95.82.D45 C85 2012 | Comparing media systems beyond the Western world / | 1 |
P95.82.D45 C85 2012eb | Comparing media systems beyond the Western world / | 2 |
P95.82.D45 H34 2015 | Media-state relations in emerging democracies / | 2 |
P95.82.E3 .H27 2022eb | The political economy of Egyptian media : business and military elite power and communication after 2011 / | 1 |
P95.82.E3 S25 2013 | Transformations in Egyptian journalism / | 1 |
P95.82.E8 S77 2018eb | Media, conflict, and the state in Africa / | 1 |
P95.82 .E85 |
Media/Democracy : a Comparative Study. Een schets van het Europese mediabeleid. |
2 |
P95.82.E85 |
Euroscepticism, democracy and the media : communicating Europe, contesting Europe / The Palgrave handbook of European media policy / Europe un-imagined : nation and culture at a French-German television channel / Media, Democracy and European Culture. Media pluralism in the digital era : legal, economic, social, and political lessons learnt from Europe / |
6 |
P95.82.E85 B49 2016eb |
Beyond the Internet. Beyond the Internet : unplugging the protest movement wave / |
2 |
P95.82.E85 D9 1992 | Dynamics of media politics : broadcasts and electronic media in Western Europe / | 1 |
P95.82.E85 E942 2012 | European identity what the media say / | 1 |