Call Number (LC) Title Results
P95.82.T9 Y47 2016 Media in new Turkey : the origins of an authoritarian neoliberal state / 1
P95.82.U5 M69 2000 With malice toward all? : the media and public confidence in democratic institutions / 1
P95.82.U6 Strategic communication, corporatism, and eternal crisis : the Creel century /
Prologue to a farce : communication and democracy in America /
Where truth lies : digital culture and documentary media after 9/11 /
Conditional press influence in politics /
Manufacturing the enemy : the media war against Cuba /
From legacy media to going viral : generational media use and citizen engagement /
P95.82.U6 A36 2000 Advocacy groups and the entertainment industry / 1
P95.82.U6 A525 2019 Alternative media meets mainstream politics : activist nation rising / 1
P95.82.U6 A53 2008eb A manifesto for media freedom / 1
P95.82.U6 A86 2017 Combative politics : the media and public perceptions of lawmaking / 1
P95.82.U6 B37 1992 Stenographers to power : media and propaganda / 1
P95.82.U6 B37 2013 Navigating the news : a political media user's guide / 1
P95.82.U6 B45 2005 Fog facts : searching for truth in the land of spin / 1
P95.82.U6 B47 1986 Politics in the media age / 2
P95.82.U6 C479 2007 Digital destiny : new media and the future of democracy / 2
P95.82.U6 C53 2010 Beyond the echo chamber : reshaping politics through networked progressive media / 1
P95.82.U6 C64 2007 The last days of democracy : how big media and power-hungry government are turning America into a dictatorship / 2
P95.82.U6 C66 2001eb Communications policy in transition the Internet and beyond / 1
P95.82.U6 C7x The Crisis of the cultural environment media & democracy in the 21st century / 1
P95.82.U6 C73 2006 Attack the messenger : how politicians turn you against the media / 2
P95.82.U6 C76 1994 By invitation only : how the media limit political debate / 3
P95.82.U6 D35 2012 Coarseness in U.S. public communication / 1
P95.82.U6 D35 2012eb Coarseness in U.S. public communication / 2