Call Number (LC) Title Results
P98.5.S83 Z427 2008 Statistical language models for information retrieval 1
P98.5.S83 Z427 2009 Statistical language models for information retrieval / 1
P98.5.S96 S96 2009eb Symbol grounding / 1
P98.5.T49 L42 2019eb Analyse des données textuelles / 1
P99 Encyclopedia of semiotics
Morphology, neurogeometry, semiotics : a Festschrift in honor of Jean Petitot 's 80th birthday /
Knowledge in change : the semiotics of cognition and conversion /
Sprachpragmatik. Nachschrift einer Vorlesung
New studies in multimodality : conceptual and methodological elaborations /
From semiotics towards philosophical metaphysics /
Linguistic semiotics /
Sensing Corporeally Toward a Posthuman Understanding /
Semiotics unbounded interpretive routes through the open network of signs
Parallels, Interactions and Illuminations Traversing Chinese and Western Theories of the Sign
Diskurse -- digital : Theorien, Methoden, Anwendungen /
Quantitative semiotic analysis /
Semiotics and its Masters : Volume 1.
An Introduction to Applied Semiotics Tools for Text and Image Analysis.
Figure : concept and method /
A theory of general semiotics : the science of signs, sign-systems, and semiotic reality /
Gregory Bateson on relational communication from octopuses to nations /
The life of symbols /
Deictic imaginings : semiosis at work and at play /
Semiotics : theory and applications /
Efficacité/Efficacy. : How To Do Things With Words and Images?
Signs, Dialogue and Ideology.
Logical Semiotics & Mereology.
The semiotic web 1989 /
Semiological Investigations, or Topics Pertaining to the General Theory of Signs : Reprint of the original Latin text Tentamina semiologica, si ve quaedam generalem theoriam signorum spectantia (1789)
The digital mind : semiotic explorations in digital culture /
Genre networks : intersemiotic relations in digital science communication /
Routledge library editions.
Fundamentos de semiótica y lingüística /
Semiotic perspectives /
Diagrams and gestures : mathematics, philosophy, and linguistics /
The trace factory /
Meanings & Co. : the interdisciplinarity of communication, semiotics and multimodality /
Semiotik. ein handbuch zu den zeichentheoretischen grundlagen von natur und kultur = Semiotics : a handbook on the sign-theoretic foundations of nature and culture /
Multimodality : a social semiotic approach to contemporary communication /
P99 .A46 American journal of semiotics. 1
P99 .A5 1993 Entre signos de asombro : antimanual para iniciarse a la semiótica / 1
P99 A532 1979 Analyse sémiotique des textes : introduction, théorie, pratique / 1
P99 .A54 vol. 15 Welt der Zeichen, Welt der Dinge = World of signs, world of things : Akten des 8. Symposiums der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Semiotik, Innsbruck 1993 / 1
P99 .A54x vol. 15 Welt der Zeichen, Welt der Dinge = World of signs, world of things : Akten des 8. Symposiums der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Semiotik, Innsbruck 1993 / 1
P99 .A73 1983 Archéologie du signe / 1
P99 .A75 Ars semeiotica. 1
P99 .A77 1984 Actas del I Simposio Internacional de la Asociación Española Semiótica : celebrado en Toledo durante los días 7, 8 y 9 de junio de 1984. 1
P99 .A844 2002 The semiotics of fate, death, and the soul in Germanic culture : the Christianization of Old Saxon / 1
P99 .B23 2006eb The Primacy of Semiosis : an Ontology of Relations / 1
P99 B23 2006eb The Primacy of Semiosis : an Ontology of Relations. 2
P99 .B24 The Sign : semiotics around the world / 1
P99 .B25 1994 On meaning-making : essays in semiotics / 1
P99 .B286 1985 L'aventure sémiologique / 2
P99 .B28613 1988 The semiotic challenge / 1