Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA1093 .C35 1964 Meletē : 370 temi greci graduati per il liceo classico : preceduti da un breve corso di sintassi / 1
PA1097 .B364 1914 Die Entwicklung des griechischen Futurums von der frühbyzantinischen Zeit bis zur Gegenwart / 1
PA1105.5 .G37 1991 Guida alla traduzione dal greco / 1
PA1106 .H63 1981 Der Prosarhythmus in der rhetorischen Literatur der Byzantiner / 1
PA1114 Coptic interference in the syntax of Greek letters from Egypt / 1
PA1114 .L45 2019 Die Lehnwörter im Wortschatz der spätbyzantinischen historiographischen Literatur / 1
PA1114 .L45 2019eb Die Lehnwörter im Wortschatz der spätbyzantinischen historiographischen Literatur / 1
PA1123 .P5 1982 Photii Patriarchae Lexicon / 1
PA1123 .S953 2003 Synagoge = Synagōgē lexeōn chrēsimōn : texts of the original version and of MS. B / 1
PA1125 .D8 Glossarium ad scriptores mediæ & infimæ graecitatis : in qvo græca vocabula novatæ significationis, aut usus rarioris, barbara, exotica, ecclesiastica, liturgica, tactica, nomica, jatrica, botanica, chymica explicantur, eorum notiones & originationes reteguntur ... E libris editis, ineditis veteribusque monumentis. Accedit Appendix ad Glossarium mediæ & infimæ latinitatis, unà cùm brevi etymologico linguae gallicæ ex utroque glossario / 1
PA1125 .S7 Greek lexicon of the Roman and Byzantine periods : (from B.C. 146 to A.D. 1100) / 1
PA1131 .P65 Onomasticon : ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri. 1
PA1139.E5 The Collins greek pocket dictionary : Greek-English, English Greek / 1
PA1139.E5 D46 1971 Modern English-Greek and Greek-English desk dictionary / 1
PA1139.E5 G74 1998 Greek-English, English-Greek. 2
PA1139.E5 H56 Collins contemporary Greek dictionary : Greek-English, English-Greek / 2
PA1139.E5 H563 1988 The Collins greek pocket dictionary : Greek-English, English Greek / 1
PA1139.E5 K77 1889 Lexikon aggloellenikon / 1
PA1139.E5 K99 Modern Greek-English dictionary : with an appendix of Cypriot words / 1
PA1139.E5 K99 1892 Modern Greek-English dictionary : with an appendix of Cypriot words / 1