Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA2083 .C52 1690 A compleat system of grammar English and Latin: Wherein that most excellent art is plainly, fully and distinctly taught, and practically manag'd thro' every part thereof. In a method which renders it easie to all capacities, and by the use whereof the learner may attain to the perfect knowledge of the Latin tongue in less than one quarter of the time usually spent therein, and those who have lost their Latin may hereby soon repair it. Whereunto is annexed : I. Rules for contstruing, composing and placing Latin according to the Ciceronian stile : II. The doctrin of English particles, whereby youth are enabled to express themselves pertinently, elegantly and fully. 1
PA2083 .C53 Dux grammaticus tyronem scholasticum ad rectam orthographiam syntaxin, & prosodiam dirigens cui suas etiam auxiliares succenturiavit copias dux oratorius, quintuplici viz. cohorre imitatione, paraphrasi, synopsi, metaphrasi, variatione phrasium : ubi variae tum regulæ, tum formulæ traduntur, rem eandem exprimenda varié /
Dux grammaticus tyronem scholasticum ad rectam orthographiam, syntaxin, & prosodiam dirigens cui suas etiam auxiliares succenturiavit copias dux oratorius, quintuplici viz. cohorre imitatione, paraphrasi, synopsi, metaphrasi, variatione phrasium : ubi variae tum regulæ, tum formulæ traduntur, rem eandem exprimenda varié /
PA2083 .C64 1537 Rudimenta grammatices, & docendi methodus non tam scholæ Gypsuychianæ per reuerendissimum D. Thomam Cardinalem Ebor. feliciter institutæ, quam omnibus alijs totius Angliæ scholis præscripta. 1
PA2083 .F35 1680 Familiar forms of speaking 2
PA2083 .F35 1683 Familiar forms of speaking 2
PA2083 .F35 1687 Familiar forms of speaking 2
PA2083 .G67 Pædomathes, seu, Manuductio grammaticalis continens, I. Rudimenta grammatices, II. Praxin authorum, III. Figura explicata / 1
PA2083 .H64 Lac puerorum M. Holti anglice mylke for children 1
PA2083 .K57 1696 Rhetoricæ compendium; cui subjicitur de analysi tractatiuncula. / 1
PA2083 .L43 1590 Certaine grammar questions for the exercise of young schollers in the learning of the Accidence 1
PA2083 .L431 1590 A book of grammar questions, gathered for the plainer teaching of that introduction to grammar which is by publike authoritie, set forth to be taught vnto children commonly called the Accidence / 1
PA2083 .L45 1688 The royal grammar 2
PA2083 .L54 1540 Institutio compendiaria totius grammaticae quam et eruditissimus atq[ue] idem illustrissimus rex noster hoc nomine euulgari iussit, ut non alia q[uoque] hæc una per totam Angliam pueris prælegeretur. 1
PA2083 .L54 1542 Institutio compendiaria totius grammaticae quam et eruditissimus atq[ue] idem illustrissimus rex noster hoc nomine euulgari iussit, ut non alia q[uoque] hæc una per totam Angliam pueris prælegeretur. 1
PA2083 .L54 1548 A short introduction of grammar generally to be vsed in the Kynges Maiesties dominions, for the bryngynge vp of all those that entende to atteyne the knowlege of the Latine tongue. 1
PA2083 .L54 1558 A shorte introduction of grammar generally to be vsed compiled and sette forth for the bringyng vp of all those that intende to attaine the knowledge of the Latine tongue. 1
PA2083.L54 1564 A shorte introduction of grammar generallye to be vsed: compyled and set forth, for the bringing vp of all those that intende to attaine the knowledge of the Latine tongue. 1
PA2083 .L54 1567 A shorte introduction of grammar generally to be vsed: compiled and sette forth for the bringyng vp of all those that intende to attaine the knowledge of the Latine tongue. 1
PA2083 .R35 1585 The Latine grammar of P. Ramus 1
PA2083 .S86 The treatise of the figures at the end of the rules of construction in the Latin grammar, construed with every example applyed and fitted to his rule, for the help of the weaker sort in the grammar schools / 2