Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PA2084 .C64 | Syncrisis, or, The most natural and easy method of learning Latin by comparing it with English together with the holy history of scripture-war, or the sacred art military : illustrated in fourteen copper-plates : with the rude translation opposite for the exercise of those that begin to make Latin. | 1 |
PA2084 .C643 |
Nolens volens, or, You shall make Latin whether you will or no containing the plainest directions that have yet been given on that subject : together with The youths visible Bible : being an alphabetical collection ... of such general heads as were judg'd most capable of hieroglyphicks. Nolens volens, or, You shall make Latin whether you will or no containing the plainest directions that have yet been given on that subject : together with The youths visible Bible : being an alphabetical collection ... of such general heads as were judg'd most capable of hieroglyphicks : illustrated (with great variety) in four and twenty copper plates .. Nolens volens, or, You shall make Latin whether you will or no containing the plainest directions that have yet been given on that subject : together with The youths visible Bible : being an alphabetical collection ... of such general heads as were judg'd most capable of hieroglyphicks .. |
3 |
PA2084 .C643 1682 |
Nolens volens, or, You shall make Latin whether you will or no containing the plainest directions that have yet been given on that subject, together with the youths visible Bible ... illustrated (with great variety) in four and twenty copper plates. Nolens volens, or, You shall make Latin whether you will or no containing the plainest directions that have yet been given on that subject, together with the youths visible Bible ... illustrated (with great variety) in four and twenty copper plates .. |
2 |
PA2084 .C65 1527 | Ioannis Coleti theologi, olim decani diui Pauli, æditio. una cum quibusdam G. Lilij Grammatices rudimentis, G. Lilij epigramma | 1 |
PA2084 .C67 1656 | Mat. Corderii Colloquiorum scholasticorum, libri IIII, diligenter recogniti. Protrepticon ad benè vivendi, rectèque loquendi studiosos. | 1 |
PA2084 .C67 1657 | [Colloquiorum scholasticorum, libri quatuor] | 1 |
PA2084 .C67 1676 | Maturinus Corderius's school-colloquies English and Latine divided into several clauses : wherein the propriety of both languages is kept : that children by the help of their mother-tongue, may the better learn to speak Latine in ordinary discourse : there are numbers set down betwixt both, which do shew the place, and natural use of any word or phrase / | 1 |
PA2084 .C67 1754 | [Colloquia scholastica, cum interpretatione germanica, constructione syntactica, vocabulorum explicatione et phrasium enucleatione / | 1 |
PA2084 .C69 | De nominibus heteroclitis | 1 |
PA2084 .C69 1534 | Ioannis Coleti theologi, olim decani diui Pauli, æditio, vna cum quibusdam G. Lilii Grammatices rudimentis. | 1 |
PA2084 .C69 1539 |
Paules accidence Iohannis Coleti theologi, olim decani diui Pauli, æditio, vna cum quibusdam G. Lilii Grammatices rudimentis. Rvdimenta grammatices, & docendi methodus, non tam scholae Gypsuychianae per Reuerendissimum D. Thomam cardinalem Ebor. feliciter institutae, quam omnibus alijs totius Angliae scholis praescripta. |
2 |
PA2084 .C8 | Sententiæ pueriles pro primis Latinæ linguæ tyronibus, ex diversis Scriptoribus collectæ. / | 2 |
PA2084 .C8 1684 | Sentences for children English and Latine. Collected out of sundry authors long since, / | 1 |
PA2084 .C94 1676 | Sententiæ pueriles pro primis Latinæ linguæ tyronibus, ex diversis scriptoribus collectæ | 2 |
PA2084 .C94 1681 | Sententiae pueriles pro primis Latinae linguae tyronibus, ex diversis scriptoribus collectae. | 1 |
PA2084 .D43 1598 | Les declinaisons des noms et verbes que doivent savior entierement par coeur les enfans, asquels on veut bailler entree á la langue Latine. Reveues, corrigees, & augmentees de plusieurs noms & verbes irreguliers & heteroclites. A la fin du livre vous trouverez le verbe Francois decliné tout au long selon son naturel, & exposé en Latin. | 1 |
PA2084 D44 1531 | De heteroclitis nominibus : grammaticæ VVhitintonianæ liber tertiusqe [sic] nominum heteroclisi. Rober. VV. tetrastichon ad lectorem. Protheos vt possis varios dinoscere vultus. Tyresiæ sexus ambiguo[sque] senis. Salmacidos ne vndis coeant heteroclita mixta hoc VVhitintonii voluito lector opus. Eiusde[m] distichon in zoilum. Cornua rinocheros, dente[m] ni zoile ponas. Sanguino le[n]ta feret tela hecate beletes. | 1 |
PA2084 D44 1531 | De heteroclitis nominibus : grammaticæ VVhitintonianæ liber tertiusqe [sic] nominum heteroclisi. Rober. VV. tetrastichon ad lectorem. Protheos vt possis varios dinoscere vultus. Tyresiæ sexus ambiguo[sque] senis. Salmacidos ne vndis coeant heteroclita mixta hoc VVhitintonii voluito lector opus. Eiusde[m] distichon in zoilum. Cornua rinocheros, dente[m] ni zoile ponas. Sanguino le[n]ta feret tela hecate beletes. | 1 |
PA2084 .D83 1665 | The English rudiments of the Latine tongue explained by question and answer, which are so formed that a child, omitting altogether the questions, may learn only the answers and be fully instructed in the rudiments of the Latin tongue / | 1 |
PA2084 .D83 1678 | The English rudiments. Of the Latine tongue. Explained by question and answer. Which are so formed that a child, omitting altogether the questions, may learn only the answers, and be fully instructed in the rudiments of the Latin tongue. / | 1 |