Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA2083 .W54 1516 De heteroclitis no[min]ibus 1
PA2083 .W54 1517 De heteroclitis nominibus 1
PA2083 .W54 1528 Declinationes nominu[m] tam Latinoru[m] q[ue?] Græcor[um] patronymicoru[m] & barbaroru[m] ex Ioanne despauterio Niniuita, Petro pontano, Prisciano, Sipo[n]tino, Sulpitio & Asce[n]sio amussatim collect̨e cu[m] comme[n]tariolo interliniari & dictionu[m] interpretatiu[n]culis in quibus numero se digerendis adeo seruatur mediaru[m] syllabarum productio & abbreuiatio vt studiose eas legenti & quantitatem & acce[n]tum mediarum syllabarum in nominibus salte[m] cognoscere, vel parua præceptoris dilucidatione haud erit difficile / 1
PA2083 .W54 1531 De heteroclitis nominibus grammaticæ VVhitintoniane liber tertius de nominum heteroclisi : Rober. VV. tetrastichon ad lectorem ... : eiusdem distichon in Zoilum ..
Nominum declinatio grammatic̨e VVhitintonianæ liber secundus : declinationes nominum tam Latinorum q[ue?] Græcorum patronymycorum & barbarorum e Prisciano, Sipo[n]tino, Sulpitio, & Ascensio amussatim collectæ cum commentariolo interlinari & dictionum interpretatiunculis : in quibus numero se digerendis adeo seruatur mediarum syllabarum productio & abbreuiatio vt studiose eas legenti & quantitatem & accentum mediaru[m] syllabarum in nominibus saltem cognoscere, vel parua præceptoris dilucidatione haud erit difficile : humiliabit calu[m]niatore[m]
De heteroclitis nominibus
PA2084 Autodidactica a plain & pleasant rode for the Latin scholar, part I. : comprehending directly nouns substantive, and adjectives only: the verb belonging to the 2d. part.
Grammatices Graecae enchiridion, in usum scholae Collegialis Wigorniae
Upon the conversion of many school-masters, and gentlemen, from their fond opinions, in teaching the Hebrue, Greek, and Latine tongues, upon mature advise and earnest request of many godly, conscientious, learned men, interessed in church and common-wealth these quaeries and propositions (with some additions) are again set forth to the free-schooles, and other schooles in London or thereabouts, with a brief syntaxis /
Childrens talk, English and Latine, divided into several clauses wherein the propriety of both languages kept : that children by the help of their mother-tongue, may more easily learn to discourse in good Latine amongst themselves : there are also numbers set down betwixt both, which do shew the place and natural use of any word or phrase /
Prosodia construed, and the meaning of the most difficult words therein contained, plainly illustrated : being an addition to the construction of Lilie's rules, and of like necessary use /
A short introduction of grammar generally to be used compiled and set forth for the bringing up of all those that intend to attaine to the knowledge of the Latine tongue.
De heteroclitis nominibus. Gra[m]maticae VVhitintonianae Liber tertius de nominum heteroclisi. /
Editio Roberti VVhitintoni Lichefeldiensis grammatices magistri & protouatis Angliae in florentissima Oxoniensi academia nuperime recognita. Declinationes nominum tam latinorum q[uam] graecoru[m] patronymicorum & barbarorum ex Ioa[n]ne despauterio. Niniuita. Petro Pontano. Prisciano. Sipontino. Sulpitio & Ascensio amussatim collecte, cum commentariolo interliniari & dictionu[m] interpretatiu[m]culis. In quibus numerose digerendis adeo seruatur mediarum syllabaru[m] productio & abbreuiatio vt studiose eas legenti & qua[n]titatem & accentum mediarum syllabarum in nominibus saltem cognoscere, vel praua p[re]ceptoris dilucidatione haud erit difficiule. Ex nouissima lima.
Grammatical cards
Nominalization in latin /
Formatives of the four conjugations according to the three cardinals for the use of a private school in Stoke-Newington.
De heteroclitis nominibus. Editio Roberti Whittintoni Lichfeldiensis grammatice magistri: et prothouatis [sic] Anglie in florentissima Oxeniensi achademia Laureati, de heteroclitis nominbus, & gradibus comparationis. : Tetrasticon eiusdem ad lectorem. : Protheos vt possis varios dinoscere vultus Tyresie sexus ambiguosq[ue] senis Salmacidos ne vndis coeant heteroclita mixta Hoc Whittintoni voluito lector opus. : Distichon eiusdem in zoilum. Cornua rhinoceros, deatem ni zoile ponas Sanguino lenta feret cela hecatebelletes.
The longe accydence newly correcte.
De heteroclitis nominibus. Editio Roberti Whitti[n]toni lichfeldiensis grammatice magistri: et prothouatis [sic] Anglie i[n] florentissima Oxenie[n]si achademia laureati, de heteroclitis nominbus et gradibus co[m]parationis. : Tetrasticon eiusdem ad lectorem : Protheos vt possis varios dinoscere vultus Tyresie sexus ambiguosq[ue] senis Salmacidos ne vndis coeant heteroclita mixta hoc whittintoni voluito lector opus : Distichon eiusdem in zoilum Cornua rhinoceros, deatem ni zoile ponas sanguino lenta feret cela hecatebelletes.
Sum es fui of Stanbrige.
Adminicu[lum puerile] ... school ... containin[g] ... : for the use of St. Patrick's school.
PA2084 .B57 1641 Grovnds of grammer 2
PA2084 .B6 1685 Clavis linguæ Anglicanæ, è tabulâ in præsentem formam redacta. / 1
PA2084 .B74 1612 The posing of the parts, or, A most plaine and easie way of examining the accidence and grammar, by questions and answeres, arising directly out of the words of the rules. Whereby all schollars may attaine most speedily, to the perfect learning, full vnderstanding, and right vse thereof; for their happy proceeding in the Latine tongue. Gathered purposely for the benefit of schooles, and for the vse and delight of maisters and schollars. 1
PA2084 .B74 1621 The posing of the parts, or, A most plaine and easie way of examining the accidence and grammar, by questions and answeres, arising directly out of the words of the rules whereby all schollars may attaine most speedily to the perfect learning, full vnderstanding, and right vse thereof, for their happy proceeding in the Latine tongue : gathered purposely for the benefit of schooles, and for the vse and delight of masters and schollars. 1
PA2084 .B74 1622 Sententiae pueriles, translated grammatically leading the learner, as by the hand, to construe right, parse, make and proove the same Latin, also to gette both the matter and phrase contained therein, most speedily and surely without inconvenience / 1
PA2084 .B74 1628 The posing of the parts, or, A most plaine and easie way of examining the accidence and grammar, by questions and answers, arising directly out of the words of the rules whereby all schollers may attaine most speedily to the perfect learning, full vnderstanding, and right vse thereof, for their happy proceeding in the Latine tongue : gathered purposely for the benefit of schooles, and for the vse and delight of masters and scholers. 1
PA2084 .B74 1630 The posing of the parts: or, A most plaine and easie way of examining the accidence and grammar, by questions and answers, arising directly out of the words of the rules. Whereby all schollers may attaine most speedily to the perfect learning, full vnderstanding, and right vse thereof, for their happy proceeding in the Latine tongue. Gathered purposely for the benefit of schooles, and for the vse and delight of masters and schollars. 1
PA2084 .B74 1639 The posing of the parts, or, A most plain and easie way of examining the accidence and grammar, by questions and answers, arising directly out of the words of the rules whereby all scholars may attain most speedily to the perfect learning, full understanding, and right use thereof, for their happy proceeding in the Latine tongue : gathered purposely for the benefit of schooles, and for the use and delight of masters and scholars. 1
PA2084 .B74 1682 The posing of the parts, or, A most plain and easie way of examining the accidence and grammar, by questions and answers, arrising directly out of the words of the rules whereby all scholars may attain most speedily to the perfect learning, full understanding, and right use thereof for their happy proceeding in the Latine tongue. Gathered purposely for the benefit of schools, and for the use and delight of masters and scholars. 1
PA2084 .B75 1653 The posing of the parts, or, A most plain and easie way of examining the accidence and grammar, by questions and answers, arising directly out of the words of the rules : whereby all schollers may attain most speedily to the perfect learning, full understanding, and right use thereof, for their happy proceeding in the Latine tongue, gathered purposely for the benefit of schools, and for the use and delight of masters and schollers. 1
PA2084 .B87 A short institution of grammar 2
PA2084 .C37 Grammaticæ Latinae, de etymologia, liber secundus, ex vetustissimis artis, et linguae auctoribus, depromtus, ea methodo quam senatus literatorum, regia auctoritate Sterlingi habitus, Scoticæ juventuti facillimam censuit. : Addita sunt, sed minoribus characteribus, in provectiorum gratiam, ex intimis artis penetralibus, pleráque à nemine priùs congesta, quibus auctor pueris properantibus interdici velit. 1
PA2084 .C38 The examination of the Accidence by questions and answeres wherein the accidentes of the eight partes of speech are familiarly handled and all difficulties in the same arising explained : whereby young scholers may in shorter time learne to vnderstand, and maisters vvith more ease, and better successe teach the principles of the Accidence, then it vsually happeneth / 1
PA2084 .C59 1638 Dux grammaticus Tyronem Scholasticum ad rectam [brace] orthographiam, syntaxin, & prosodiam [brace] dirigens. Cui suas etiam auxiliares succenturiavit copias dux oratorius, quintuplici viz. cohorte, imitatione paraphrasi synopsi metaphrasi, &c. variatione phrasium, &c. ubi variæ tum regulæ, tum formulæ traduntur, rem eandem exprimenda variè 1
PA2084 .C59 1650 Dux grammaticus Tyronem Scholasticum ad rectam orthographiam, syntaxin, & prosodiam dirigens cui suas etiam auxiliares succenturiavit copias dux oratorius, quintuplici viz. cohorre imitatione, paraphrasi, synopsi, metaphrasi, &c. variatione phrasium &c. : ubi variae tum regulæ, tum formulæ traduntur, rem eandem exprimenda varié / 1