Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA2084 .L6 1692 Brevissima institutio, seu, Ratio grammatices cognoscendæ ad omnium puerorum utilitatem præscripta : quam solam regia majestas in omnibus scholis docendam præcipit : additis subinde observationibus utilissimis, ex Despauterio, Alvaro, Sanctio, Vossio, Busbeio & quotquot nuper scripsere grammaticis Latinis quæ universam artem grammaticam exhauriunt. 2
PA2084 .L6 1699 Brevissima institutio, seu, Ratio grammatices cognoscendæ, ad omnium puerorum utilitatem prœscripta quam solam Regia Majestas in omnibus scholis docendam præcipit : additis subinde observationibus utilissimis, ex Despauterio, Alvero, Sanctio, Vossio, Busbeio, & quotquot nuper scripsere grammaticis Latinis, quae universam artem grammmaticam exhauriunt. 1
PA2084.L62 I57 Institutio compendiaria totius grammaticae, quam et eruditissimus atq; idem illustrissimus rex noster hoc nomine euulgari iussit, ut non alia quàm hæc una per totam Angliam pueris prælegatur. 1
PA2084 .L66 1651 A short introduction of grammar generally to be used 2
PA2084 .L66 1673 A short introduction of grammar generally to be used compiled and set forth for the bringing up of all those that intend to attain to the knowledge of the Latine tongue.
A short introduction of grammar generally to be used compiled and set forth for the bringing up of all those that attain to the knowledge of the Latine tongue : to which are added useful observations by way of comment out of ancient and late grammerians.
A short introduction of grammar generally to be used
PA2084 .L66 1678 A short introduction of grammar generally to be used 2
PA2084 .L66 1681 A short introduction of grammar generally to be used compiled and set forth for the bringing up of all those that intend to attain to the knowledge of the Latine tongue. 2
PA2084 .L66 1695 A short introduction of grammar generally to be used compiled and set forth for the bringing up of all those that intend to attain to the knowledge of the Latine tongue. 2
PA2084 .L66 1699 A short introduction of grammar generally to be used compiled and set forth for the bringing up of all those that intend to attain to the knowledge of the Latin tongue.
A short introduction of grammar generally to be used compiled and set forth for the bringing up of all those that intend to attain to the knowledge of the Latine tongue.
PA2084 .L729 A short introduction of grammar compiled and set forth for the bringing up of all those that intend to attain to the knowledge of the Latin tongue. 1
PA2084 .L73 A short introduction of grammar. Compiled and set forth for the bringing up of all those that intend to attain to the knowledge of the Latin tongue. 1
PA2084 .L74 1638 Lilies rules construed whereunto are added Tho. Robinson's Heteroclites, the Latine syntaxis and qui mihi : whereunto are now also added the rules for the genders of nounes and preterperfect tenses and supines of verbs in English alone. 1
PA2084 .L74 1687 Lilies rules construed whereunto are added Tho. Robinsons Heteroclites, The Latin syntaxis and Qui mihi : also there are added the rules for the genders of nouns and preterperfect tenses and supines of verbs in English alone. 2
PA2084 .L74 1689 Lilies rules construed whereunto are added Tho. Robinson's Heteroclites, the Latin syntaxis and qui mihi : also there are added the rules for the genders of nouns and preterperfect tenses and supines of verbs in English alone. 2
PA2084 .L74 1693 Lilies rules construed whereunto are added Tho. Robinson's Heteroclites, the Latin syntaxis and qui mihi : also there are added the rules for the genders of nouns and preterperfect tenses and supines of verbs in English alone. 1
PA2084 .L74 1694 Lilies rules construed whereunto are added Tho. Robinson's Heteroclites, the Latin syntaxis and qui mihi : also there are added the rules for the genders of nouns and preterperfect tenses and supines of verbs in English alone. 1
PA2084 .M5 1669a Accidence, 1669. 1
PA2084 .M66 1687 Nova & artificiosa methodus docendi linguam Latinam, seu, Institutio grammaticæ compendiaria ad puerorum captum summo studio accommodata. 2
PA2084 .P47 Nova et expedita via comparandæ linguæ Latinæ 2
PA2084 .P756 Priscianus embrio & nascens manuducens ad ephebum 1