PA2084 .W35
De argumentorum inventione libri duo, quorum prior agit de inventione logica, alter de inventione rhetorica : in studiosæ juventutis tam scholasticæ quàm academicæ usum conscripti / |
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PA2084 .W35 1676
Methodi practicæ specimen, an essay of a practical grammar, or, An enquiry after a more easie and certain help to the construing and pearcing of authors and to the making and speaking of Latin containing a set of Latins answerable to the most fundemental rules of grammar, and delivered in an easie method for the first beginners to make Latin at their entrance on the rules of construction / |
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PA2084 .W54 1652
Ad grammaticen ordinariam supplementa, et Paedagogica quaedam alia omnia fere, ex usu & observatione conscripta, & nusquam nisi in hisce chartis, extantia. |
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PA2084 W57
Exercitatio scholastica, ad linguam Latinam viam muniens, siue, Fasciculus argutiorum sententiarum quarum lectione pueri grammaticales simplicem syntaxin possint summo cum fructu, & facilitate addiscere, adultiores autem, & ætate provectiores recolere : aliquot exemplis subinde interspersis, è quibus regulæ nonnullæ, quæ in Lilio desiderantur, elici possint : voces omnes singulas syntaxeos regulas complectentes charactere minusculo experiuntur / |
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PA2087 2S456 012eb
Método de latín II : incorpora clave y vocabulario latino / |
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PA2087 .A427 1891
Allen and Greenough's Latin grammar for schools and colleges : founded on comparative grammar / |
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PA2087 .A427 1892
Allen and Greenough's Latin grammar : for schools and colleges : founded on comparative grammar / |
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PA2087 .A427 1897
Allen and Greenough's Latin grammar : for schools and colleges : founded on comparative grammar / |
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PA2087 .A525 1886
A Latin grammar founded on comparative grammar / |
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PA2087 .A525 1903
Allen and Greenough's New Latin grammar for schools and colleges : founded on comparative grammar / |
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PA2087 .A525 2006
Allen and Greenough's New Latin grammar / |
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PA2087 .A526 1896
Allen and Greenough's shorter Latin grammar for schools and academies / |
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PA2087 .A527 1875
Latin composition, an elementary guide to writing in Latin. |
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PA2087 .A56 1863
A grammar of the Latin language : for the use of schools and colleges / |
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PA2087 .A57 1843
A grammar of the Latin language : for the use of schools and colleges / |
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PA2087 .A57 1855
A grammar of the Latin language : for the use of schools and colleges / |
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PA2087 .A6 1839
The first part of Jacobs and Döring's Latin reader : adapted to Andrews and Stoddard's Latin grammar / |
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PA2087 .A68 1864
Arnold's first Latin book : remodelled and rewritten, and adapted to the Ollendorff method of instruction / |
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PA2087 .A682 1853
A practical introduction to Latin prose composition / |
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PA2087 .A682 1984
"Bradley's Arnold" Latin prose composition / |
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