Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA2095 .F88 2006 From Augustus to Nero : an intermediate Latin reader / 1
PA2095 .G36 1872 Selections from Latin classic authors : Phædrus, Justin, Nepos / 1
PA2095 .G7 1899 Second year Latin / 1
PA2095 .H16 1865 A handbook of Latin poetry : containing selections from Ovid, Virgil, and Horace, with notes and grammatical references /
A handbook of Latin poetry, containing selections from Ovid, Virgil, and Horace, with notes and grammatical references.
PA2095 .H31 1877 A new Latin reader : with exercises in Latin composition : intended as a companion to the author's Latin grammar : with references, suggestions, notes and vocabularies / 1
PA2095 .H55 1984 Elementary Latin translation book / 1
PA2095 .H65 Reading Latin poetry / 1
PA2095 .H67 Latin selections : illustrating public life in the Roman commonwealth in the time of Cicero / 1
PA2095 (INTERNET) Ioannis Palsgraui Londoniensis, ecphrasis Anglica in comoediam Acolasti The comedye of Acolastus translated into oure englysshe tongue, after suche maner as chylderne are taught in the grammer schole, fyrst worde for worde, as the latyne lyeth, and afterwarde accordynge to the sence and meanyng of the latin sentences ... with admonitions set forth in the margyn ... and afore the second sceane of the fyrst acte, is a brefe introductory to haue some general knowledge of the duyers sortes of meters vsed of our auctour in this comedy. And afore Acolastus balade is shewed of what kyndes of meters his balade is made of. And afore the syxte sceane of the fourthe acte, is a monition of the rhetorycall composytion vsed in that sceane ... / 1
PA2095 .J3 1848 The first part of Jacobs' Latin reader : adapted to Bullions' Latin grammar : with an introduction on the idioms of the latin language ... / 1
PA2095 .L347 2019 The Latin of science / 1
PA2095 .L43 1844 Lecciones escogidas de latinidad : para enseñar practicamente las teorías y reglas de la gramática, y el modo de aplicarlas y comprobarlas, y las locuciones, modismos y frases, y el artificio, inversiones y figuras de la lengua latina, y facilitar la traduccion é inteligencia de loa autores clásicos / corregidas y nuevamente retocadas por su autor, Don Placido Maria Orodea. 1
PA2095 .L5 1843 Epitome historiæ sacræ / 1
PA2095 .L5 1846 Epitome historiæ sacræ / 1
PA2095 .L5 1880 Epitome historiae sacrae / 1
PA2095 .M31 1883 Anthologie aus römischen dichtern für die obersten klassen der realgymnasien und ähnlicher anstalten zusammengestellt / 1
PA2095 .N77 1927 Ad Alpēs : a tale of Roman life / 1
PA2095 .O37 1983 Lingua Latina per se illustrata / 1
PA2095 .O94 1997 Oxford Latin reader / 1
PA2095 .O942 1997 Oxford Latin reader : teacher's book / 1