Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA2107 .D84 1660 The English rudiments of the Latine tongue, explained by question and answer which are so formed, that a childe, omitting altogether the questions, may learn onely the answers, and be fully instructed in the rudiments of the Latine tongue / 1
PA2107 .D84 1693 The English rudiments of the Latin tongue. Explained by question and answer. Which are so formed, that a child, omitting altogether the questions, may learn only the answers, and be fully instructed in the rudiments of the Latin tongue. / 1
PA2107 .F25 1680 Familiar forms of speaking compos'd for the use of schools formerly fitted for the exercise of a private school only, now published for common use / 2
PA2107 .F35 1685 Familiar forms of speaking composed for the use of schools, formerly fitted for the exercise of a private school only : now published for common use / 2
PA2107 .F37 1664 Phrases oratoriæ elegantiores cui accesserunt phrases aliquot poeticæ / 2
PA2107 .G34 1672 Pueriles confabulatiunculae 1
PA2107 (INTERNET) Corderius dialogues translated grammatically For the more speedy attaining to the knowledge of the Latine tongue, for writing and speaking Latine. Done chiefly for the good of schooles, to be used according to the direction set downe in the booke called Ludus literarius, or The grammar-schoole.
Pueriles confabulatiunculæ, or, Childrens dialogues Little conferences, or talkings together, or little speeches together, or dialogues fit for children.
PA2107 .J6 1925 Sprechen Sie Lateinisch? : Moderne Konversation in lateinischer Sprache / 1
PA2107 .L56 1654 Phrases elegantiores ex Cæsaris commentariis Cicerone 2
PA2107 .M3 Phrases linguae Latinae, ab Aldo Manutio P.F. conscriptae: nunc primum in ordinem abecedarium adductae, & in Anglicum sermonem conuersae. : accessit huc index dictionum Anglicarum, cuius ope quilibet hoc libello quàm commodissimè vti poterit. 1
PA2107 .O8 [Os facies mentum] 3
PA2107 .O8 1516 [Os facies mentum] 1
PA2107 .P65 1679 Indiculus universalis, or, The universe in epitome wherein the names of almost all the works of nature, of all arts and sciences, with their most necessary terms, are in English, Latine & French, methodically and distinctly digested ... / 2
PA2107 .S72 1517 Vulgaria Stanbrigie 1
PA2107 .S72 1526 Uulgaria Stanbrigi. 1
PA2107 .S72 1534 Vulgaria Stanbrigij 1
PA2107 .S72 1630 Uulgaria Stambrigi. 1
PA2107 .S73 1515 Vulgaria Stanbryge 1
PA2107 .S73 1519 [Vulgaria Stanbrigi] 1
PA2107 .S73 1520 [Vulgaria Stanbrigi] 1