Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA2320 .H66 1671 Vocabularium parvum anglo-latinum, in usum puerulorum, qui prima Latinæ linguæ tyrocinia faciunt = A little vocabulary, English and Latine, : for the use of little children, that begin to learn the Latine tongue. / 1
PA2320 .H84 1633 Florilogium phrasi[c]on, or, A survey of the Latine tongue according to the elegancy of it's [sic] proper dialect necessary for all young students in the same for their better imitation, and practise thereof, either by their voice or pen, and into severall heades disposed, and collected / 1
PA2320 (INTERNET) A treatise of the way and manner of forming the derivatives of the Latin tongue with a brief discourse of composites and de-composites : a work very much conducing to the more easie and speedy attaining of the Latin tongue; and to the saving of the labour of so frequently turning over voluminous dictionaries / 1
PA2320 .J37 1664 A new torch to the Latine tongue so enlightned that besides the easie understanding of all classical authours there is also laid open a ready way to write and speak Latine well and elegantly : being very useful for gentlemen, lawyers and young clerks and all others, either for Englishmen that desire to better their knowledge in the Latine tongue or for strangers to learn and speak English : the preface whereof will shew the contents and use : with the several judgements of many learned schollars on the whole work /
A new torch to the Latine tongue so enlightned that besides the easie understanding of all classical authours there is also laid open a ready way to write and speak Latine well and elegantly : being very useful for gentlemen, lawyers and young clerks and all others, either for Englishmen that desire to better their knowledge in the Latine tongue or for strangers to learn and speak English : the preface whereof will shew the contents and use : with the several judgements of many learned schollars on the whole work /
PA2320 .J37 1667 Institutionum grammaticarum pars prima. exhibens paradigmata declinationum, comparationum & conjugationum, methodo sane facili, & ad captum tyronum accommodata /
Institutionum grammaticarum. exhibens paradigmata declinationum, comparationum & conjugationum, methodo sane facili, & ad captum tyronum accommodata /
A new torch to the Latine tongue so enlightned, that besides the easie understanding of all classical authors, there is also laid open a ready way to write and speak Latine well and elegantly : being very useful for gentlemen, lawyers, and young clerks, and all others : either for Englishmen that desire to better their knowledg in the Latine tongue, or for strangers to learn and speak English : the preface whereof will shew the contents and use : with the several judgments of many learned scholars on the whole work /
PA2320 .L4 1970 Verba prisca : Die Anfänge d. Archaisierens in d. latein / 1
PA2320 .M43 1880 Lateinische phraseologie für die oberen Gymnasialklassen / 1
PA2320 .M67 1650 Enchiridion dvplex oratorium nempe, & poeticum / 2
PA2320 .R62 1661 Scholæ Wintoniensis phrases Latinæ The Latine phrases of Winchester-school : corrected and much augmented with poeticals added : and these four tracts, viz. I. Of words not to be used by elegant Latinists, II. The difference of many words like one another in sound or signification, III. Some words governing a subjunctive mood not mentioned in Lilies Grammar, IV. Concerning [chreia] and [gnom] for entring children upon making of themes / 2
PA2320 .R62 1670 Scholæ Wintoniensis phrases Latinæ The Latine phrases of Winchester-school : corrected and much augmented with poeticalls added : and these four tracts, viz. I. Of words not to be used by elegant Latinists, II. The difference of many words like one another in sound or signification, III. Some words governing a subjunctive mood not mentioned in Lillies Grammar, IV. Concerning [chreia] and [gnom] for entring children upon making of themes / 2
PA2320 .S72 1527 Vocabula m[a]g[ist]ri Sta[n]brigi sua saltem editione edita. 1
PA2320 .S73 1505 [Vocabula] 1
PA2320 .S73 1510 Uocabula magistri Stãbrigi primũ iam edita sua saltẽ editione. 1
PA2320 .S73 1514 Vocabula magistri stanbrigi primu[m] iam edita sua saltem editione 1
PA2320 .S73 1515 Vocabula magistri sta[n]brigi primu[m] iam edita sua salte[m] editione. 1
PA2320 .S73 1521 Vocabula magistri sta[n]brigi sua saltem editione edita. 1
PA2320 .S73 1526 Vocabula m[a]g[ist]ri Sta[n]brigi sua salte[m] editione edita
Vocabula magistri Stambrigi primum iam edita sua saltem editione.
PA2320 .S73 1534 Vocabula magistri Sta[n]brigij sua salte[m] editione edita 1
PA2320 .S73 1535 [Vocabula] 1
PA2320 .S73 1596 Vocabuli magistri Stanbrigii ab infinitis quibus antea scatebant mendis repurgata : observata interim (quo àd ejus fieri potuit) carminis ratione, & meliusculè etiam correcta, studio & industria Thomae Neuutoni .. 1