PA2341 .C6
Kritische Beiträge zur lateinischen Formenlehre / |
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PA2341 .C6 1928
The making of Latin : an introduction to Latin, Greek and English etymology / |
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PA2341 .E35 1661
Syn theō. homonyma et synonyma linguæ Latinæ conjuncta & distincta quorum pars hæc prior de homon, jocoseria nunc in lucem prodit, ordine justo disposita & Carmine facili composita, in tyrunculorum usus monosticho, in provectiorum gratiam epigrammate / |
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PA2341 .E6
Les éléments dialectaux du vocabulaire latin / |
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PA2341 .K2
Lateinische Volksetymologie und Verwandtes / |
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PA2341 .K453
Lateinische Etymologien. |
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PA2341 .O73 1996
Derivazioni / |
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PA2341 .P45
Natura, étude sémantique et historique du mot latin. |
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PA2341 .P56 2017eb
Semantic traces of social interaction from antiquity to early modern times : historical conversatio / |
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PA2341 .P59 2019
PA2341 .P68 1992
Lateinische Kleidungsbezeichnungen in synchroner und diachroner Sicht / |
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PA2341 .S97 1989
An den Quellen des lateinischen Wortschatzes / |
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PA2342 .B74
Dictionnaire étymologique latin / |
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PA2342 .E7 1939
Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue latine : histoire des mots / |
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PA2342 .E7 1960
Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue latine : histoire des mots / |
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PA2342 .H46 2007
The medieval world of Isidore of Seville : truth from words / |
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PA2342 .L66 2022
Lope de Vega y la canonización de San Isidro / |
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PA2342 .M24 1991
A lexicon of ancient Latin etymologies / |
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PA2342 .R52 1633
Riders dictionarie corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words, both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages ... : hereunto are anexed [sic] certaine tables explaining the names, weights, and valuations of antient and moderne coynes, as also a table of the Hebrew, Greeke, and Latine measures ... : whereunto is ioyned a dictionarie etymologicall ... / now newly corrected and greatly augmented by Francis Holy-Oke. |
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PA2342 .V3 1881
Etymologisches Wörterbuch der lateinischen Sprache / |
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