Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PA2365.E5 L72 1915 | An elementary Latin dictionary / | 1 |
PA2365.E5 L72 1918 | An elementary Latin dictionary / | 1 |
PA2365.E5 L76 1678i | Linguæ Latinæ liber dictionarius quadripartitus a Latine dictionary, in four parts : I. An English-Latine. II. A Latine-classical. III. A Latine-proper. IV. A Latine-barbarous : wherein the Latine and English are adjusted, with what care might be, both as to stock of words and properties of speech : particularly, 1. In the English-Latine, more word and proprieties of our language, as now spoken, are set down, by several thousands, than in any other dictionary yet extant. 2. In the Latine-classick, the etymologies, significations, and phrases are fully and plainly, yet briefly, discoursed : together with the several kinds and constructions of the verbs : a thing hitherto not much regarded. 3. In the Latine-proper, the expressions of story, which were taken mostly out of Cooper, are much amended ; and many useful things are now added, which were formally omitted : with two mapps, one of Italy, another of old Rome. 4. In the Latine-barbarous, those words which through mistake of writing have been corrupted from the Latine, or by ignorance or boldness of later authors have crept into the Latine, are exposed and expounded : and in all four parts, many things that were utterly impertinent and cumbersom to school-institution and to the true uses of learning, are laid aside : of all which several performances, together with considerable additions of new matter by way of appendage to the main work, a fuller account is given in the prefaces / | 1 |
PA2365.E5 L76 1684x Miller | Linguae Latinae liber dictionarius quadripartitus = A Latine dictionary, in four parts ... : wherein the Latine and English are adjusted, with what care might be, both as to stock of words and proprieties of speech : particularly, 1. in the English-Latine, more words and proprieties of our language, as now spoken, are set down, by several thousands, than in any other dictionary yet extant : 2. in the Latine-classick, the etymologies, significations, and phrases are fully and plainly, yet briefly, discoursed : together with the several kinds and constructions of the verbs, a thing hitherto not much regarded : 3. In the Latine-proper, the expressions of story, which were taken mostly out of Cooper, are much amended :and many useful things are now added, which were formerly omitted : with two mapps, one of Italy, another of old Rome : 4. In the Latine-barbarous, those words which through mistake of writing have been corrupted from the Latine, or by ignorance or boldness of later authors have crept into the Latine, are exposed and expounded : and in all four parts, many things that were utterly impertinent and cumbersom to school-institution and to true uses of learning, are laid aside : of all which several performances, together with new matter by way of appendage to the main work, a fuller account is given in the prefaces / | 1 |
PA2365.E5 M67 1998 | A dictionary of Latin words and phrases / | 2 |
PA2365.E5 O8 2005 | Oxford Latin desk dictionary / | 1 |
PA2365.E5 O9 | Oxford Latin dictionary. | 1 |
PA2365.E5 O9 1982 | Oxford Latin dictionary / | 1 |
PA2365.E5 P381 1609 | Synonymorum sylva | 1 |
PA2365.E5 P44 1663 | Synonymorum sylva | 2 |
PA2365.E5 P44 1668 | Synonymorum sylva | 1 |
PA2365.E5 P6 2005 |
The pocket Oxford Latin dictionary / Pocket Oxford Latin dictionary English-Latin / |
2 |
PA2365.E5 R5 1849 | A copious and critical English-Latin lexicon : founded on the German-Latin dictionary of Dr. Charles Ernest Georges / | 1 |
PA2365.E5 R53 1606 | Riders dictionarie corrected and augmented wherein Riders index is tranformed into a dictionarie etymologicall, deriuing euery word from his natiue fountaine, with reasons of the deriuations, none yet extant in that kind before : here also the barbarous words are ranged into a dictionarie by themselues, and many words added, neuer yet in any : with a briefe index of proper names, collected out of Stephane, Gesner, and others / | 1 |
PA2365.E5 R53 1617 |
Riders dictionarie [co]rrected, and with the addition of above five hundred words enriched heereunto is annex[e]d a Dictionarie etymologicall, deriuing euerie word from his natiue fountaine, with reasons of the deriuations, with manie Romane antiquities, neuer anie extant in that kinde before / Riders dictionarie corrected, and with the addition of above five hundred words enriched heereunto is annexed a Dictionarie etymologicall, deriuing euerie word from his natiue fountaine, with reasons of the deriuations, with manie Romane antiquities, neuer anie extant in that kinde before / |
2 |
PA2365.E5 R53 1627 | Riders dictionarie corrected, and augmented with the addition of many hundred words not extant in any former edition hereunto are annexed Riders calendar, and certaine tables explaining the names, weights, and valuations of auncient and moderne coynes, as also a table of the Hebrew, Greeke & Latine measures, reduced to our English standard & assise : whereunto is joyned a dictionarie etymologicall, deriving each word from his proper fountaine, the first that ever was extant in that kind, with many worthy castigations & additions, as will appeare in he title and epistle before it / | 1 |
PA2365.E5 R53 1640 | [Riders dictionarie] [corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words ... : the barbarous words which were many hundreds are expunged ... : in the end of the dictionarie you shall finde certaine generall heads of birds, colours ... : lastly, the names of the chiefe places and townes in England, Scotland, and Ireland .. : also hereunto is annexed certaine tables of weights and measures ... : whereunto is joyned a Dictionarie etymologicall ...] | 1 |
PA2365.E5 R53 1649 |
Riders dictionarie corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages ... : the barbarovs words, which were many hundreds, are expunged, to the helpe of young scholars, which before they used in stead of good words : in the end of the dictionarie you shall finde certaine generall heads of birds, colours, dogs, fishes, hawkes, hearbs, numbers, stones, trees, weights : lastly, the names of the chiefe places and townes in England, Scotland and Ireland, &c. which were never in Riders before : also hereunto is annexed certaine tables of weights and measures, the valuation of auncient and moderne coines ... : whereunto is joyned a Dictionarie etymologicall. Riders dictionarie corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages ... : the barbarovs words, which were many hundreds, are expunged, to the helpe of young scholars, which before they used in stead of good words : in the end of the dictionarie you shall finde certaine generall heads of birds, colours, dogs, fishes, hawkes, hearbs, numbers, stones, trees, weights : lastly, the names of the chiefe places and townes in England, Scotland and Ireland, &c. which were never in Riders before : also hereunto is annexed certaine tables of weights and measures, the valuation of auncient and moderne coines ... : whereunto is joyned a Dictionarie etymologicall .. Riders dictionarie corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words both out of the law and out of the Latine, French, and other languages. Riders dictionarie corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words both out of the law and out of the Latine, French, and other languages .. |
5 |
PA2365.E5 R53 1659 |
Riders dictionary corrected and augmented vvith the addition of many hundred words both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages ... : the barbarous words, which were many hundreds, are expunged, to the help of young scholars, which before they used in stead of good words : in the end of the dictionary you shall finde certain general heads of birds, colors, dogs, fishes, herbs, numbers, stones, trees, weights : lastly, the names of the chief places and towns in England, Scotland and Ireland, &c. which were never in Riders before : also hereunto is annexed certain tables of weights and measures, the valuation of ancient and modern coins ... : whereunto is joyned a Dictionary etymological. Riders dictionary corrected and augmented vvith the addition of many hundred words both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages ... : the barbarous words, which were many hundreds, are expunged, to the help of young scholars, which before they used in stead of good words : in the end of the dictionary you shall finde certain general heads of birds, colors, dogs, fishes, herbs, numbers, stones, trees, weights : lastly, the names of the chief places and towns in England, Scotland and Ireland, &c. which were never in Riders before : also hereunto is annexed certain tables of weights and measures, the valuation of ancient and modern coins ... : whereunto is joyned a Dictionary etymological .. |
2 |
PA2365.E5 R55 | A handbook of the Latin language : being a dictionary, classified vocabulary, and grammar / | 1 |