Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA2365.E5 R53 1640 [Riders dictionarie] [corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words ... : the barbarous words which were many hundreds are expunged ... : in the end of the dictionarie you shall finde certaine generall heads of birds, colours ... : lastly, the names of the chiefe places and townes in England, Scotland, and Ireland .. : also hereunto is annexed certaine tables of weights and measures ... : whereunto is joyned a Dictionarie etymologicall ...] 1
PA2365.E5 R53 1649 Riders dictionarie corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words both out of the law and out of the Latine, French, and other languages.
Riders dictionarie corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages ... : the barbarovs words, which were many hundreds, are expunged, to the helpe of young scholars, which before they used in stead of good words : in the end of the dictionarie you shall finde certaine generall heads of birds, colours, dogs, fishes, hawkes, hearbs, numbers, stones, trees, weights : lastly, the names of the chiefe places and townes in England, Scotland and Ireland, &c. which were never in Riders before : also hereunto is annexed certaine tables of weights and measures, the valuation of auncient and moderne coines ... : whereunto is joyned a Dictionarie etymologicall ..
Riders dictionarie corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages ... : the barbarovs words, which were many hundreds, are expunged, to the helpe of young scholars, which before they used in stead of good words : in the end of the dictionarie you shall finde certaine generall heads of birds, colours, dogs, fishes, hawkes, hearbs, numbers, stones, trees, weights : lastly, the names of the chiefe places and townes in England, Scotland and Ireland, &c. which were never in Riders before : also hereunto is annexed certaine tables of weights and measures, the valuation of auncient and moderne coines ... : whereunto is joyned a Dictionarie etymologicall.
Riders dictionarie corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words both out of the law and out of the Latine, French, and other languages ..
PA2365.E5 R53 1659 Riders dictionary corrected and augmented vvith the addition of many hundred words both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages ... : the barbarous words, which were many hundreds, are expunged, to the help of young scholars, which before they used in stead of good words : in the end of the dictionary you shall finde certain general heads of birds, colors, dogs, fishes, herbs, numbers, stones, trees, weights : lastly, the names of the chief places and towns in England, Scotland and Ireland, &c. which were never in Riders before : also hereunto is annexed certain tables of weights and measures, the valuation of ancient and modern coins ... : whereunto is joyned a Dictionary etymological ..
Riders dictionary corrected and augmented vvith the addition of many hundred words both out of the law, and out of the Latine, French, and other languages ... : the barbarous words, which were many hundreds, are expunged, to the help of young scholars, which before they used in stead of good words : in the end of the dictionary you shall finde certain general heads of birds, colors, dogs, fishes, herbs, numbers, stones, trees, weights : lastly, the names of the chief places and towns in England, Scotland and Ireland, &c. which were never in Riders before : also hereunto is annexed certain tables of weights and measures, the valuation of ancient and modern coins ... : whereunto is joyned a Dictionary etymological.
PA2365.E5 R55 A handbook of the Latin language : being a dictionary, classified vocabulary, and grammar / 1
PA2365.E5 S6 1871 A copious and critical English-Latin dictionary / 1
PA2365.E5 S76 1996 Latin for the illiterati : exorcizing the ghosts of a dead language / 1
PA2365.E5 S76 2009eb Latin for the illiterati : a modern phrase book for an ancient language / 1
PA2365.E5 S77 1999 More Latin for the illiterati : a guide to everyday medical, legal, and religious Latin / 1
PA2365.E5 S77 1999eb More Latin for the illiterati a guide to everyday medical, legal, and religious Latin / 1
PA2365.E5 W37 Dictionarium minus a compendious dictionary English-Latin & Latin-English : wherein the classical words of both languages are aptly rendered ... : also, the received names of herbs, plants &c. are largely inserted, divers proverbs explain'd, and many antiquities illustrated / 2
PA2365.E5 W37 1675 Dictionarium minus, a compendious dictionary English-Latin & Latin-English wherein the classical words of both languages are aptly rendred : also the received names of herbs, plants, &c. largely inserted, divers proverbs explain'd, and many antiquities illustrated / 2
PA2365.E5 W4 Vocabula, cum aliis nonullis Latinæ linguæ subsidiis. In eorum gratiam, qui prima Latini sermonis tyrocinia faciunt.
Vocabula cum aliis nonullis Latinæ linguæ subsidiis. In eorum gratiam, qui prima Latini sermonis tyrocinia faciunt.
PA2365.E5 W5 1553 [A shorte dictionarie for yonge begynners]. 1
PA2365.E5 W5 1579 A shorte dictionarie most profitable for young beginners, the second time corrected, and augmented, with diuerse phrasys, and other things necessarie therevnto added: / 1
PA2365.E5 W5 1608 A dictionarie in English and Latine for children, and yong beginners: compiled at the first by Iohn Withals, (with the phrases, and rythmicall, and prouerbiall verses &c. which haue bin added to the same, by Levvis Euans, and Abr. Fleming, successiuely.) 2
PA2365.E5 W5 1616 A dictionarie in English and Latine; deuised for the capacity of children, and young beginners. / 1
PA2365.E5 W52 Vocabula, cum aliis nonullis Latinae linguae subsidiis in eorum gratiam, qui prima Latini sermonis tyrocinia faciunt. 1
PA2365.E5 W55 1996 A basic Latin vocabulary : the first 1000 words / 1
PA2365.E5 W58 1602 A little dictionarie for children 1
PA2365.E5 W6 1982 The Englishman's pocket Latin-English and English-Latin dictionary / 1