Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA2464 .M43 1986 Lautgeschichte der umbrischen Sprache / 1
PA2465 .Z6 De vocabulorum Umbricorum fictione. 1
PA2467.P3 W52 1699 An answer to a late book written against the learned and reverend Dr. Bentley, relating to some manuscript notes on Callimachus together with an examination of Mr. Bennet's appendix to the said book. 2
PA2477 .D86 2012eb Sabellian demonstratives : forms and functions / 1
PA2489 .H46 1837 De lingua Sabina / 1
PA2490 .Z36 2021 South Picene / 1
PA2510 .A2 1874 Acta Fratrum Arvalium quae supersunt / 1
PA2510 .A2 1935 Remains of Old Latin / 1
PA2510 .A2 1966 Recueil de textes latins archaïques. 1
PA2510 .A6 Remnants of early Latin / 1
PA2510 .C68 1999 Archaic Latin prose / 1
PA2510 .E27 2016 Early and late Latin : continuity or change? / 1
PA2510 .E27 2016eb Early and Late Latin : Continuity or Change? / 1
PA2510 .S4 Dialecti latinae priscae et faliscae exempla selecta. : In usum scholarum. 1
PA2510 .W6 Fragments and specimens of Early Latin / 1
PA2511 .K448 1992 Les verbes latins à infectum en -sc- : étude morphologique à partir des formations attestées dès l'époque préclassique / 1
PA2512 .E37 2023 Early Latin : constructs, diversity, reception / 2
PA2512 .R33 1981 Archaisches Latein : historische und sprachgeschichtliche Untersuchungen / 1
PA2512 .S8 Studia in priscos scriptores Latinos collata / 1
PA2515 .M45 2003 Veni vidi vici : die Vorgeschichte des lateinischen Perfektsystems / 1