Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA3014.N37 N37 2004 Narrators, narratees, and narratives in ancient Greek literature : studies in ancient Greek narative /
Narrators, narratees, and narratives in ancient Greek literature /
PA3014.N37 N37 2004eb Narrators, narratees, and narratives in ancient Greek literature : studies in ancient Greek narrative / 1
PA3014.N55 V35 2020 The values of nighttime in classical antiquity : between dusk and dawn / 3
PA3014.O64 B45 1992eb Beginnings in Classical Literature / 1
PA3014.O84 W46 2020 Abjekte Antike : die Obszönität antiker Literatur im Frankreich der Frühen Neuzeit / 1
PA3014.P3 G6 1987 Literary patronage in Greece and Rome / 1
PA3014.P3 W4 1933 Encouragement of literary production in Greece from Homer to Alexander ... / 1
PA3014.P6 S7 1990 Das Plagiat in der griechischen Literatur / 1
PA3014.P65 P76 1998 The propaganda of power : the role of panegyric late antiquity / 1
PA3014.P65 R65 2014 Roman rule in Greek and Latin writing : double vision / 1
PA3014.P65 R65 2014eb Roman rule in Greek and Latin writing : double vision / 1
PA3014.Q7 Inscriptions and their uses in Greek and Latin literature / 1
PA3014.R4 S3 Hypsos und Bios : stilistische Untersuchungen zum Alltagsrealismus in der archaischen griechischen Chorlyrik. 1
PA3014.R4 Z36 1987 Realism in Alexandrian poetry : a literature and its audience / 1
PA3014.R47 I58 2019 Repetition, communication, and meaning in the ancient world : orality and literacy in the Ancient World, vol. 13 / 1
PA3014.R65 R66 1978 El romanticismo de los clásicos : discurso leído el día 22 de enero de 1978, en su recepción pública / 1
PA3014.S35 R65 Studies in classical satire and related literary theory / 1
PA3014.S47 Sexuality in Greek and Roman society and literature : a sourcebook /
Narrating desire : eros, sex, and gender in the ancient novel /
PA3014.S47 I55 2018 Masculine plural : queer classics, sex, and education / 1
PA3014.S47 J64 2005 Sexuality in Greek and Roman society and literature : a sourcebook / 1