Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA3015.R5 T478 1995 Theseus and Athens / 1
PA3015.R5 T48 1995 Theseus and Athens / 1
PA3015.R5 T48 1995eb Theseus and Athens / 1
PA3015.R5 T573 Le mythe de Tirésias : essai d'analyse structurale / 1
PA3015.R5 T578 1995 Untersuchungen zur Figur des Sehers Teiresias / 1
PA3015.R5 V6768 2020 A quest for remembrance : the underworld in classical and modern literature / 1
PA3015.S14 K345 1934 Seesturm und Schiffbruch als Bild im antiken Schrifttum . 1
PA3015.S35 P64 2022 Poikile Physis : Biological Literature in Greek During the Roman Empire : Genres, Scopes, and Problems / 1
PA3015.S4 G55 1995 Personality in Greek epic, tragedy, and philosophy : the self in dialogue / 1
PA3015.S4 G55 1996 Personality in Greek epic, tragedy, and philosophy : the self in dialogue / 1
PA3015.S4 V658 2008eb Vom selbst-verständnis in antike und neuzeit = Notions of the self in antiquity and beyond / 1
PA3015.S4 W5 1917 "Know thyself" in Greek and Latin literature / 1
PA3015.S43 W38 x, 1931 Quomodo poetae epici et Graeci et Romani somnia descripserint. 1
PA3015.S45 T47 2022 Ecphrastic shields in Graeco-Roman literature : the world's forge / 1
PA3015.S52 M66 2000 Silence in the land of logos / 1
PA3015.S52 M66 2000eb Silence in the land of logos / 2
PA3015.S55 R42 2011 Reading ancient slavery / 1
PA3015.S69 S66 2021 Sonus in metaphora : la rhétorique sonore et musicale dans l'Antiquité / 1
PA3015.S72 I43 2013 Imagining empire : political space in Hellenistic and Roman literature / 1
PA3015 .S72 S66 2012 Space in ancient Greek literature : studies in ancient Greek narrative / 2