Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PA3040 .C36 2008 | The Cambridge companion to the Greek and Roman novel / | 1 |
PA3040 .C66 2014 |
A Companion to the Ancient Novel. A companion to the ancient novel / |
2 |
PA3040 .G3 | Los orígenes de la novela / | 1 |
PA3040 .G65 1995 | Foucault's virginity : ancient erotic fiction and the history of sexuality / | 2 |
PA3040 .G76 | Groningen colloquia on the novel. | 1 |
PA3040 .H2813 1983 | The novel in antiquity / | 2 |
PA3040 .H38 1977 | The novel before the novel : essays and discussions about the beginnings of prose fiction in the West / | 2 |
PA3040 .H4 1956 | Der antike Roman. | 1 |
PA3040 .H65 1986 | Der antike Roman : eine Einführung / | 1 |
PA3040 .H6513 1995 | The ancient novel : an introduction / | 1 |
PA3040 .H6513 1995eb | The ancient novel an introduction / | 1 |
PA3040 .I57 2008eb | Philosophy and the ancient novel / | 1 |
PA3040 .I58 2008 | Cultural crossroads in the ancient novel / | 1 |
PA3040 .I68 2015 | Re-wiring the ancient novel / | 1 |
PA3040 .J65 2021 | Latin poetry in the ancient Greek novels / | 1 |
PA3040 .K4 | Der antike Roman : Einführung und Textauswahl / | 1 |
PA3040 .K66 1994 | Sexual symmetry : love in the ancient novel and related genres / | 1 |
PA3040 .K75 1991 | Papyrusfragmente griechischer Romane : ausgewählte Untersuchungen / | 1 |
PA3040 .N68 1996 | The novel in the ancient world / | 1 |
PA3040 .P4 | The ancient romances : a literary-historical account of their origins. | 1 |