Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA3136 .B45 2000eb Murder among friends : violation of philia in Greek tragedy / 1
PA3136 .B48 1997 Speech in speech : studies in incorporated Oratio recta in Attic drama and oratory / 1
PA3136 .B49 2010 Beyond the fifth century : interactions with Greek tragedy from the fourth century BCE to the Middle Ages / 1
PA3136 .B49 2010eb Beyond the fifth century : interactions with Greek tragedy from the fourth century BCE to the Middle Ages / 1
PA3136 .B54 2001 Der Chor in der Alten Komödie : Ritual und Performativität (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Aristophanes' Thesmophoriazusen und der Phalloslieder fr. 851 PMG) / 1
PA3136 .B55 2014 Genealogy of the tragic : Greek tragedy and German philosophy / 1
PA3136 .B55 2021 The philosophical stage : drama and dialectic in classical Athens / 1
PA3136 .B66 2009 Bound by the city : Greek tragedy, sexual difference, and the formation of the polis / 1
PA3136 .B66 2009eb Bound by the city : Greek tragedy, sexual difference, and the formation of the polis / 1
PA3136 .B67 Hamartia. : Tragic error in the Poetics of Aristotle and in Greek tragedy / 1
PA3136 .B79 1998 Revenge in Attic and later tragedy / 1
PA3136 .B88 1947 The glorification of Athens in Greek drama. 1
PA3136 .B88 1982 Persuasion in Greek tragedy : a study of peitho / 1
PA3136 .C388 1999 La supplica all'altare nella tragedia greca / 1
PA3136 .C48 1998 Der Chor im antiken und modernen Drama / 1
PA3136 .C484 2013 Choral mediations in Greek tragedy /
Choral Mediations in Greek Tragedy.
PA3136 .C484 2013eb Choral mediations in Greek tragedy / 1
PA3136 .D46 Dreams in Greek tragedy : an ethno-psycho-analytical study / 1
PA3136 .D48 2011 Choral identity and the chorus of elders in Greek tragedy / 1
PA3136 .D5 Le scene d'annuncio nella tragedia greca. 1