Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA3264 (INTERNET) Epideictic literature ... 1
PA3264 .L67 1981 L'invention d'Athènes : histoire de l'oraison funèbre dans la "cité classique" / 1
PA3264 .L6713 1986 The invention of Athens : the funeral oration in the classical city / 1
PA3264 .L6713 2006 The invention of Athens : the funeral oration in the classical city / 1
PA3264 .M35 2020 The making of identities in Athenian oratory / 2
PA3264 .O73 2023 The Orators and Their Treatment of the Recent Past / 1
PA3264 .O94 2007 Oxford readings in the Attic orators / 1
PA3264 .O94 2007eb Oxford Readings in the Attic Orators / 1
PA3264 .P76 2002 Ancient Greek battle speeches and a palfrey / 1
PA3264 .R4 1906 De Graecorum oratione obliqua 1
PA3264 .R65 2006 The rhetoric of conspiracy in ancient Athens /
The rhetoric of conspiracy in ancient Athens
PA3264 .W65 2022 Wie die Athener ihre Vergangenheit verhandelten : Rede und Erinnerung im 5. und 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. / 1
PA3265 The Shadow of Creusa : Negotiating Fictionality in Late Antique Latin Literature.
La antigua retórica /
PA3265 .A54 2000 Glossary of Greek rhetorical terms connected to methods of argumentation, figures and tropes from Anaximenes to Quintilian / 1
PA3265 .A585 1999 Antike Rhetorik und ihre Rezeption : Symposion zu Ehren von Professor Dr. Carl Joachim Classen D. Litt. Oxon. am 21. und 22. November 1998 in Göttingen / 1
PA3265 .B3 1924 Ancient rhetoric and poetic : interpreted from representative works / 1
PA3265 .B3 1959 Ancient rhetoric and poetic : interpreted from representative works / 1
PA3265 .B38 1986 Die sophistische Rhetorik : eine Theorie sprachlicher Kommunikation / 1
PA3265 .C34 1986 La dottrina degli "status" nell retorica greca e romana / 1
PA3265.C373 2016 Le Declamazioni minori dello Pseudo-Quintiliano : discorsi immaginari tra letteratura e diritto / 1