Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA3301 .P34 vol. 18 The Xenophon papyri : Anabasis, Cyropaedia, Cynegeticus, De Vectigalibus / 1
PA3301 .P34 vol. 19 Textes grecs, démotiques et bilingues : P.L. Bat. 19 / 1
PA3301 .P34 vol. 20 Greek and demotic texts from the Zenon archive : P.L. Bat. 20 / 1
PA3301 .P34 vol. 21 A guide to the Zenon archive : P.L. Bat. 21 / 1
PA3301 .P34 vol. 22 Les Archives privées de Dionysios, fils de Kephalas : P.L. Bat. 22 : textes grecs et démotiques / 1
PA3301 .P34 vol. 23 Textes et études de papyrologie grecque, démotique et copte : P. L. Bat. 23 / 1
PA3301 .P34 vol. 24 The eponymous priests of Ptolemaic Egypt, P.L. Bat. 24 : chronological lists of the priests of Alexandria and Ptolemais with a study of the demotic transcriptions of their names / 1
PA3301 .P34 vol. 25 Papyri, ostraca, parchments, and waxed tablets in the Leiden Papyrological Institute (P.L. Bat. 25) / 1
PA3301 .P34 vol. 26 Ostraka Varia : tax receipts and legal documents on Demotic, Greek, and Greek-Demotic Ostraka, chiefly of the early Ptolemaic period, from various collections (P.L. Bat. 26) / 1
PA3301 .P34 vol. 27 Hundred-gated Thebes : acts of a colloquium on Thebes and the Theban area in the Graeco-Roman period / 1
PA3301 .P34 vol. 29 Menches, komogrammateus of Kerkeosiris : the doings and dealings of a village scribe in the late Ptolemaic period (120-110 B.C.) 1
PA3301 .P34 vol. 30 The two faces of Graeco-Roman Egypt : Greek and Demotic and Greek-Demotic text and studies presented to P.W. Pestman / 1
PA3301 .P34 vol. 31 Perspectives on Panopolis : an Egyptian town from Alexander the Great to the Arab conquest ; / 1
PA3301 .S55 2008 Sixty-five papyrological texts : presented to Klaas A. Worp on the occasion of his 65th birthday / 1
PA3301 .T7 1983 Trenta testi greci da papiri letterari e documentari : editi in occasione del XVII Congresso internazionale di papirologia, Napoli, 19-26 maggio 1983 / 1
PA3303 .C35 1911 Papyrus grecs d'époque byzantine / 1
PA3303 .G7 1972 Greek papyri / 1
PA3303 .M87 1999 Kleine Schriften zur antiken Literatur und Geistesgeschichte / 1
PA3303 .U53 2017 The undertakers of the Great Oasis (P. Nekr.) / 1
PA3304 .B67 1930 Greek ostraca in the Bodleian Library at Oxford and various other collections. 1