Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA3323 .P37 1985 Le Papyrus Thmouis 1 : colonnes 68-160 / 1
PA3323 .P86 1991 Ptocheia, or, Odysseus in disguise at Troy : (P. Köln VI 245) / 1
PA3331 .A65 1950 The Antinoopolis papyri. 1
PA3335 .A8 Un feuillet retrouvé du recueil ećrit sur papyrus de lettres et de sermons de Saint Augustine / 1
PA3339 .A4 Aegyptus. 1
PA3339 .A6 Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. 1
PA3339.A67 2008 PA3339 Praising the Goddess : a Comparative and Annotated Re-Edition of Six Demotic Hymns and Praises Addressed to Isis. 1
PA3339 .C6 Collectanea Papyrologica : texts published in honor of H. C. Youtie / 1
PA3339 .E88 2001 Essays and texts in honor of J. David Thomas / 1
PA3339 .G752 2007 Griechische Papyrusurkunden kleineren Formats, Neuedition. 1
PA3339 .G753 2007 Griechische Papyrusurkunden kleineren Formats, Neuedition. 1
PA3339 .G756 2007 Griechische Papyrusurkunden kleineren Formats, Neuedition. 1
PA3339 .I5 1937A Actes du ve Congrès International de Papyrologie, Oxford, 30 août-3 septembre 1937 / 1
PA3339 .I5 1958 Proceedings of the IX International Congress of Papyrology, Oslo, 19th-22nd August, 1958 / 1
PA3339 .I5 1981 Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Congress of Papyrology : New York, 24-31 July 1980 / 1
PA3339 .I5 1983 Atti del XVII Congresso internazionale di papirologia. 1
PA3339 .I5 1998 Atti del XXII Congresso internazionale di papirologia : Firenze, 23-29 agosto 1998 / 1
PA3339 .J86 The Journal of juristic papyrology. 1
PA3339 .P7 no.2  
PA3339 .R4 Recherches de papyrologie / 1