PA3341 .C674 2008
Corpus dei papiri storici greci e latini. |
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PA3341 .G34 1986
Greek and Latin papyrology / |
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PA3341 .G7 1963
Grundzüge und Chrestomathie der Papyruskunde / |
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PA3341 .L36 2010eb
The language of the papyri / |
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PA3341 .O6
The Greek literary texts from Greco-Roman Egypt : a study in the history of civilization / |
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PA3341 .O63 1993
Omaggio a Medea Norsa / |
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PA3341 .P36 1997
Papiri filosofici : miscellanea di studi. |
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PA3341 .S45 1994
Atti del V Seminario internazionale di papirologia, Lecce 27-29 giugno 1994 / |
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PA3341 .T8
Greek papyri : an introduction / |
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PA3341 .W45
Upon slavery in Ptolemaic Egypt / |
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PA3341 .Y63 1981
Scriptiunculae posteriores / |
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PA3342 .P369 1981
Papyri, Greek & Egyptian / |
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PA3342 .Y68
The textual criticism of documentary papyri : prolegomena / |
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PA3342 .Y68 1974
The textual criticism of documentary papyri : prolegomena / |
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PA3343 .C46 1968
Choix de papyrus grecs. : Essai de traitement automatique / |
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PA3343 .G74 2002
Griechische Urkunden der Papyrussammlung zu Leipzig (P.LIPS. II) / |
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PA3343 .K73 2011eb
Von der Papyrologie zur Romanistik / |
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PA3343 .M36 1984
I contratti di baliatico / |
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PA3343 .M38 1992
Sigla and select marginalia in Greek literary papyri / |
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PA3343 .M39 2007
Annotations in Greek and Latin texts from Egypt / |
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